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  • 1 Description Cotton

    A cotton market term. Buying to " description " denotes that the cotton when it arrives shall not be below a specified quality. It is guaranteed by the seller to come up to a stated grade.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Description Cotton

  • 2 description cotton

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > description cotton

  • 3 description cotton

    хлопок, покупаемый по спецификации

    Англо-русский словарь текстильной промышленности > description cotton

  • 4 cotton

    1. хлопок (Gossypium); 2. хлопчатобумажная ткань; 3. хлопчатобумажная пряжа; хлопчатобумажная нить; 4. вата; 5. хлопковый; хлопчатобумажный @abassi cotton египетский хлопок "абасси" @absorbent cotton гигроскопическая вата @Aclenos cotton аденский хлопок @Afifi cotton египетский хлопок "афифи" @African cotton африканский хлопок @Akala cotton американский хлопок "акала" @Akme cotton американский хлопок "акме" @Alabama cotton американский хлопок "алабама" @Alep cotton @Aleppo cotton алеппский хлопок @Alexandrette cotton Александретский хлопок @Alexandria cotton Александрийский хлопок @Alien cotton американский хлопок "аллен" @American long-staple Upland cotton американский длинноштапельный хлопок "упланд" @American short-staple Upland cotton американский короткоштапельный хлопок "упланд" @American-Egyptian cotton американский хлопок египетских семян @amidated cotton амидированное хлопковое волокно @Andes cotton перуанский хлопок @Anguilla cotton индийский хлопок "ангвила" @animalized cotton анимализированный хлопок (окрашивающийся кислотными красителями) @Arizona-Egyptian cotton аризонский хлопок египетских семян @artificial cotton искусственный хлопок из сосновой стружки @aseptic cotton асептическая или стерильная вата @Ashmouni cotton египетский хлопок "ашмуни" @Aspero cotton перуанский хлопок "асперо" @Assam cotton индийский хлопок "ассам" @Assili cotton египетский хлопок "ассили" @Ava cotton индийский хлопок "ава" @Bancroft cotton американский хлопок "банкрофт" @bant cotton 1. высокопрочный хлопок, пригодный для основы; 2. извитый хлопок @Barbados cotton индийский хлопок "барбадос" @Barcelona cotton барселонский хлопок @basis cotton базисный хлопок @basting cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки для смётывания @big-boll cotton крупнокоробочный хлопок @black-jack cotton хлопок, засорённый крупными листочками @black-seed cotton голосемянный хлопок @bloom cotton чистый блестящий хлопок @blue cotton чистобелый хлопок @blue-stained cotton сероватый или синевато-серый хлопок @blush cotton чистый блестящий хлопок @Bohemian cotton богемский хлопок (улучшенный сорт американского хлопка "упланд") @boiled-out cotton 1. хлопчатобумажная отваренная ткань; 2. хлопчатобумажная отваренная пряжа @boll-stained cotton природноокрашенный хлопок @bolly cotton хлопок-сырец из полураскрывшихся или нераскрывшихся коробочек @Bombax cotton 1. хлопок "бомбакс"; 2. волокно хлопкового типа из семян тропических деревьев @box cotton эталонный хлопок @Brazilian cotton бразильский хлопок @bread-and-butter cotton хлопок среднего качества наиболее ходовых сортов @broach cotton индийский хлопок с мягким белым ворсом @bumble-bee cotton короткоштапельный хлопок @bump cotton бракованный комковатый хлопок @Burbon cotton африканский хлопок "бурбон" @Burma cotton бирманский хлопок @buttery cotton природноокрашенный хлопок с кремовым или коричневатым оттенком @call cotton проданный хлопок, хранящийся на складе до востребования потребителем @Canton cotton хлопчатобумажная саржа "кантон" (с начёсом) @carded cotton чёсаный хлопок @Ceba cotton тонковолокнистый хлопок "себа" (с хлопкового дерева) @chemical cotton очищенный и отбеленный хлопковый пух для производства искусственного волокна и пластмасс @Chinese cotton китайский хлопок @c.i.f. cotton хлопок "франко-порт" (продаваемый или покупаемый по цене, включающей расходы по страхованию и фрахту) @classy cotton классный или высококачественный хлопок @clean cotton чистый хлопок @cleaned cotton хлопок-волокно @collodion cotton нитроцеллюлоза, нитроклетчатка, коллоксилин, пироксилин @colored cotton природноокрашенный хлопок @Columbia cotton колумбийский хлопок (разновидность американского хлопка "упланд") @commercial cottons рыночные или торговые сорта хлопка @crochet cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки "кроше" @curly cotton зажгученный хлопок @cut staple cotton рваное хлопковое волокно (повреждённое при очистке) @darning cotton хлопчатобумажная штопка @dead cotton мёртвое хлопковое волокно @delta cotton хлопок "упланд", выращиваемый в дельте Язу-Миссисипи @description cotton хлопок, покупаемый по спецификации @desized cotton хлопчатобумажная расшлихтованная ткань @deteriorated cotton 1. выродившийся хлопчатник; 2. деградированное хлопковое волокно @dirty cotton сорный хлопок, засорённый хлопок @dusty cotton пыльный хлопок, запылённый хлопок @dyed cotton окрашенный хлопок @Egyptian cotton египетский тонковолокнистый хлопок @Egyptian-type cotton хлопок египетских семян @embroidery cottons хлопчатобумажные вышивальные нитки @even running cotton хлопок ровного штапеля @extra white cotton хлопок чисто-белого цвета, особо белый хлопок @factory cotton местное или фабричное хлопчатобумажное суровьё @fancy cotton хлопчатобумажная пряжа фасонной крутки @fine-stapled cotton тонковолокнистый хлопок @flat cotton непрессованный хлопок @flax cotton 1. льняное котонизированное волокно; 2. котонин @fly cotton пух с чесальных машин @f.o.b. cotton хлопок "франко-борт" (продаваемый или покупаемый по цене, включающей расходы за доставку и погрузку на борт судна) @foxy cotton пятнистый хлопок с красноватым оттенком @Fuady cotton египетский хлопок "фуади" @fuddy cotton хлопок, засорённый пучками мёртвых волокон @full-rough Peruvian cotton перуанский грубый хлопок @fully acetylated cotton полностью ацетилированный хлопок @Georgia prolific cotton высокоурожайный коротковолокнистый хлопок "Георгия" @gin-cut cotton рваное хлопковое волокно (повреждённое при очистке) @ginned cotton 1. очищенный хлопок; 2. хлопок-волокно @glazed cotton лощёный хлопок (имитирующий волос) @good color cotton хлопок нормального цвета @good middling cotton американский хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "гуд миддлинг экстра" @good middling extra white сotton американский особо белый хлопок "гуд миддлинг экстра" @good middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good ordinary cotton американский хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary extra cotton американский серый хлопок "гуд ординери экстра" @good ordinary extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "гуд ординери экстра" @good ordinary gray cotton американский белый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "гуд ординери" @green cotton недозрелый хлопок @Griffin cotton американский длинноволокнистый хлопок "гриффин" @gun cotton пироксилин @hand-ginned cotton хлопок ручной очистки @hand-picked cotton хлопок ручного сбора @handwork cottons хлопчатобумажные штучные изделия @hard cotton хлопок с жёстким волокном @high-density cotton хлопок-волокно плотной запрессовки @Hindi cotton коротковолокнистый хлопок индийских семян @immunized cotton иммунизированный хлопок (не окрашивающийся прямыми красителями) @improved Upland cotton улучшенный хлопок "упланд" @Indian cotton индийский хлопок @irrigated cotton хлопок, выращенный на орошаемых участках @Java cotton капок @khaki cotton природноокрашенный хлопок цвета хаки @kidney cotton южноамериканский или вест-индский хлопок "кидней" @kier boiled cotton хлопчатобумажная отваренная ткань @knitting cottons хлопчатобумажные вязальные нитки @leafy cotton хлопковое волокно, засорённое листочками @Levant cotton левантинский хлопок @Lima cotton перуанский хлопок "лима" @lint cotton хлопок-волокно @long-stapled cotton длинноволокнистый хлопок @loose cotton хлопок-волокно в массе; распакованный хлопок-волокно @Louisiana cotton хлопок "Луизиана" (групповое наименование коротковолокнистых сортов хлопка "упланд" из штата Луизиана) @low middling cotton американский хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "лоу миддлинг экстра" @low middling extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "лоу миддлинг экстра" @low middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low-class cotton низкосортный хлопок @low-grade cotton низкосортный хлопок @machine-picked cotton хлопок машинного сбора @meaty cotton чистый хлопок (дающий большой выход пряжи) @mechanically harvested cotton хлопок машинного сбора @medicinal cotton медицинская стерилизованная вата @Memphis cotton американский голубовато-белый хлопок "мемфис" @mending cotton хлопчатобумажная штопка @mercerized cotton 1. мерсеризованный хлопок; 2. мерсеризованная хлопчатобумажная пряжа @Mexican cotton мексиканский короткоштапельный и среднештапельный хлопок @middling cotton американский хлопок "миддлинг" @middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "миддлинг экстра" @middling extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "миддлинг экстра" @middling fair cotton американский хлопок "миддлинг фейр" @middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling Upland cotton 1. американский белый хлопок "миддлинг упланд"; 2. американский эталонный или базисный хлопок @middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "миддлинг" @mineral cotton минеральная вата @mixed cotton смешанный хлопок @Moco cotton бразильский древесный хлопок "моко" @mossy cotton мшистый хлопок (засорённый короткими незрелыми волокнами) @motty cotton мшистый хлопок (засорённый короткими незрелыми волокнами) @Nanking cotton нанкинский или китайский хлопок @ninety days cotton рано созревающий хлопок @no-mark cotton сложенный в кипы хлопок без маркировки @Northern cotton хлопок северной Индии @Oats cotton американский скороспелый хлопок "отс" @oil-stained cotton хлопок с масляными пятнами @on-call cotton проданный хлопок, хранящийся на складе до востребования потребителем @parchment cotton хлопчатобумажная пергаментная ткань @pearl cottons хлопчатобумажные вышивальные нитки @peerless cotton американский высокосортный хлопок "пирлесс" @pepper dust staple cotton хлопок, засорённый мелкими частицами листочков @pepper trash staple cotton хлопок, засорённый мелкими частицами листочков @Peruvian cotton перуанский хлопок @picked cotton хлопок-сырец ручного сбора @pima cotton американский тонковолокнистый хлопок "пима" (египетских семян) @pulled cotton "вырванный" хлопок, хлопок, собранный из плохо раскрытых коробочек @Punjab-American cotton пенджабский хлопок американских семян @purified cotton очищенная вата; стерильная вата; гигроскопическая вата @Queensland cotton австралийский длинноволокнистый хлопок "квинсленд" @quilting cotton 1. вата для стёганых одеял; 2. вата для наполнителей @raw cotton хлопок-волокно @reginned cotton дважды очищенный хлопок @riffy cotton левантинский хлопок @Rio Grande cotton бразильский хлопок "рио гранде" @risty cotton левантинский хлопок @Sakellarides cotton египетский длинноволокнистый хлопок "сакелляридис" @saw-ginned cotton хлопок-волокно пильной очистки @scoured cotton промытый хлопок @Sea-Island cotton американский длинноволокнистый хлопок "си-айленд" @seedy cotton хлопок, засорённый галочками @sewing cottons хлопчатобумажные швейные нитки @shell cotton хлопок-волокно, засорённый частицами коробочек @short-staple cotton короткоштапельный или коротковолокнистый хлопок @silicate cotton 1. минеральная вата; 2. стекловолокно @silk cotton капок @sledded cotton хлопок, собранный коробочкоуборочной машиной, хлопок, собранный "санями" @Smyrna cotton смирнский хлопок @snapped cotton хлопок, собранный вместе с коробочками @soft cotton хлопок с мягким и чистым волокном @South-American cotton южноамериканский хлопок @S X P cotton американский хлопок "С Х П" (полученный скрещиванием египетского "сакеллярадис" с американским "пима") @spinnable cotton прядомый хлопок @spot cotton наличный хлопок; хлопок со склада @spotted cotton пятнистый хлопок @spun cotton хлопчатобумажная пряжа @stained cotton пожелтевший хлопок @staple cotton длинноштапельный или длинноволокнистый хлопок @sterilized cotton стерильная вата @stone cotton хлопок ручной очистки на камне @strict good middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг экстра" @strict good middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг экстра" @strict good middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good ordinary cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери экстра" @strict good ordinary extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери экстра" @strict good ordinary gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict low middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг экстра" @strict low middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг экстра" @strict middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг экстра" @strict middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @stringy cotton зажгученный хлопок @striped cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань в полоску; сарпинка @surgical cotton хирургическая вата @Surinam cotton суринамский белый или желтоватый хлопок @tack cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки для смётывания @tailed cotton зажгученный хлопок @Tailor cotton американский хлопок "тейлор" @Tanguis cotton перуанский высококачественный хлопок "тенгвис" @Texas cotton техасский короткоштапельный хлопок с прочным и жёстким волокном @tinged cotton хлопок темно-жёлтого оттенка @tree cotton многолетний хлопчатник (Gossypium arboreum) @tropical cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань для тропической одежды @twist cotton извитое хлопковолокно @uniform cotton однородный хлопок @Upland cotton американский хлопок "упланд" @Uppam cotton индийский хлопок "уппам" @waste cottons хлопчатобумажные угары @water-packed cotton 1. хлопок, упакованный во влажном состоянии; 2. хлопок, повреждённый влагой @white-dotted cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань в белый горошек @yellow-stained cotton 1. цветной хлопок; 2. хлопок с пятнами; 3. желтоватый хлопок @

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > cotton

  • 5 cotton

    1. хлопок (Gossypium); 2. хлопчатобумажная ткань; 3. хлопчатобумажная пряжа; хлопчатобумажная нить; 4. вата; 5. хлопковый; хлопчатобумажный @abassi cotton египетский хлопок "абасси" @absorbent cotton гигроскопическая вата @Aclenos cotton аденский хлопок @Afifi cotton египетский хлопок "афифи" @African cotton африканский хлопок @Akala cotton американский хлопок "акала" @Akme cotton американский хлопок "акме" @Alabama cotton американский хлопок "алабама" @Alep cotton @Aleppo cotton алеппский хлопок @Alexandrette cotton Александретский хлопок @Alexandria cotton Александрийский хлопок @Alien cotton американский хлопок "аллен" @American long-staple Upland cotton американский длинноштапельный хлопок "упланд" @American short-staple Upland cotton американский короткоштапельный хлопок "упланд" @American-Egyptian cotton американский хлопок египетских семян @amidated cotton амидированное хлопковое волокно @Andes cotton перуанский хлопок @Anguilla cotton индийский хлопок "ангвила" @animalized cotton анимализированный хлопок (окрашивающийся кислотными красителями) @Arizona-Egyptian cotton аризонский хлопок египетских семян @artificial cotton искусственный хлопок из сосновой стружки @aseptic cotton асептическая или стерильная вата @Ashmouni cotton египетский хлопок "ашмуни" @Aspero cotton перуанский хлопок "асперо" @Assam cotton индийский хлопок "ассам" @Assili cotton египетский хлопок "ассили" @Ava cotton индийский хлопок "ава" @Bancroft cotton американский хлопок "банкрофт" @bant cotton 1. высокопрочный хлопок, пригодный для основы; 2. извитый хлопок @Barbados cotton индийский хлопок "барбадос" @Barcelona cotton барселонский хлопок @basis cotton базисный хлопок @basting cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки для смётывания @big-boll cotton крупнокоробочный хлопок @black-jack cotton хлопок, засорённый крупными листочками @black-seed cotton голосемянный хлопок @bloom cotton чистый блестящий хлопок @blue cotton чистобелый хлопок @blue-stained cotton сероватый или синевато-серый хлопок @blush cotton чистый блестящий хлопок @Bohemian cotton богемский хлопок (улучшенный сорт американского хлопка "упланд") @boiled-out cotton 1. хлопчатобумажная отваренная ткань; 2. хлопчатобумажная отваренная пряжа @boll-stained cotton природноокрашенный хлопок @bolly cotton хлопок-сырец из полураскрывшихся или нераскрывшихся коробочек @Bombax cotton 1. хлопок "бомбакс"; 2. волокно хлопкового типа из семян тропических деревьев @box cotton эталонный хлопок @Brazilian cotton бразильский хлопок @bread-and-butter cotton хлопок среднего качества наиболее ходовых сортов @broach cotton индийский хлопок с мягким белым ворсом @bumble-bee cotton короткоштапельный хлопок @bump cotton бракованный комковатый хлопок @Burbon cotton африканский хлопок "бурбон" @Burma cotton бирманский хлопок @buttery cotton природноокрашенный хлопок с кремовым или коричневатым оттенком @call cotton проданный хлопок, хранящийся на складе до востребования потребителем @Canton cotton хлопчатобумажная саржа "кантон" (с начёсом) @carded cotton чёсаный хлопок @Ceba cotton тонковолокнистый хлопок "себа" (с хлопкового дерева) @chemical cotton очищенный и отбеленный хлопковый пух для производства искусственного волокна и пластмасс @Chinese cotton китайский хлопок @c.i.f. cotton хлопок "франко-порт" (продаваемый или покупаемый по цене, включающей расходы по страхованию и фрахту) @classy cotton классный или высококачественный хлопок @clean cotton чистый хлопок @cleaned cotton хлопок-волокно @collodion cotton нитроцеллюлоза, нитроклетчатка, коллоксилин, пироксилин @colored cotton природноокрашенный хлопок @Columbia cotton колумбийский хлопок (разновидность американского хлопка "упланд") @commercial cottons рыночные или торговые сорта хлопка @crochet cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки "кроше" @curly cotton зажгученный хлопок @cut staple cotton рваное хлопковое волокно (повреждённое при очистке) @darning cotton хлопчатобумажная штопка @dead cotton мёртвое хлопковое волокно @delta cotton хлопок "упланд", выращиваемый в дельте Язу-Миссисипи @description cotton хлопок, покупаемый по спецификации @desized cotton хлопчатобумажная расшлихтованная ткань @deteriorated cotton 1. выродившийся хлопчатник; 2. деградированное хлопковое волокно @dirty cotton сорный хлопок, засорённый хлопок @dusty cotton пыльный хлопок, запылённый хлопок @dyed cotton окрашенный хлопок @Egyptian cotton египетский тонковолокнистый хлопок @Egyptian-type cotton хлопок египетских семян @embroidery cottons хлопчатобумажные вышивальные нитки @even running cotton хлопок ровного штапеля @extra white cotton хлопок чисто-белого цвета, особо белый хлопок @factory cotton местное или фабричное хлопчатобумажное суровьё @fancy cotton хлопчатобумажная пряжа фасонной крутки @fine-stapled cotton тонковолокнистый хлопок @flat cotton непрессованный хлопок @flax cotton 1. льняное котонизированное волокно; 2. котонин @fly cotton пух с чесальных машин @f.o.b. cotton хлопок "франко-борт" (продаваемый или покупаемый по цене, включающей расходы за доставку и погрузку на борт судна) @foxy cotton пятнистый хлопок с красноватым оттенком @Fuady cotton египетский хлопок "фуади" @fuddy cotton хлопок, засорённый пучками мёртвых волокон @full-rough Peruvian cotton перуанский грубый хлопок @fully acetylated cotton полностью ацетилированный хлопок @Georgia prolific cotton высокоурожайный коротковолокнистый хлопок "Георгия" @gin-cut cotton рваное хлопковое волокно (повреждённое при очистке) @ginned cotton 1. очищенный хлопок; 2. хлопок-волокно @glazed cotton лощёный хлопок (имитирующий волос) @good color cotton хлопок нормального цвета @good middling cotton американский хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "гуд миддлинг экстра" @good middling extra white сotton американский особо белый хлопок "гуд миддлинг экстра" @good middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "гуд миддлинг" @good ordinary cotton американский хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary extra cotton американский серый хлопок "гуд ординери экстра" @good ordinary extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "гуд ординери экстра" @good ordinary gray cotton американский белый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "гуд ординери" @good ordinary yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "гуд ординери" @green cotton недозрелый хлопок @Griffin cotton американский длинноволокнистый хлопок "гриффин" @gun cotton пироксилин @hand-ginned cotton хлопок ручной очистки @hand-picked cotton хлопок ручного сбора @handwork cottons хлопчатобумажные штучные изделия @hard cotton хлопок с жёстким волокном @high-density cotton хлопок-волокно плотной запрессовки @Hindi cotton коротковолокнистый хлопок индийских семян @immunized cotton иммунизированный хлопок (не окрашивающийся прямыми красителями) @improved Upland cotton улучшенный хлопок "упланд" @Indian cotton индийский хлопок @irrigated cotton хлопок, выращенный на орошаемых участках @Java cotton капок @khaki cotton природноокрашенный хлопок цвета хаки @kidney cotton южноамериканский или вест-индский хлопок "кидней" @kier boiled cotton хлопчатобумажная отваренная ткань @knitting cottons хлопчатобумажные вязальные нитки @leafy cotton хлопковое волокно, засорённое листочками @Levant cotton левантинский хлопок @Lima cotton перуанский хлопок "лима" @lint cotton хлопок-волокно @long-stapled cotton длинноволокнистый хлопок @loose cotton хлопок-волокно в массе; распакованный хлопок-волокно @Louisiana cotton хлопок "Луизиана" (групповое наименование коротковолокнистых сортов хлопка "упланд" из штата Луизиана) @low middling cotton американский хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "лоу миддлинг экстра" @low middling extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "лоу миддлинг экстра" @low middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "лоу миддлинг" @low-class cotton низкосортный хлопок @low-grade cotton низкосортный хлопок @machine-picked cotton хлопок машинного сбора @meaty cotton чистый хлопок (дающий большой выход пряжи) @mechanically harvested cotton хлопок машинного сбора @medicinal cotton медицинская стерилизованная вата @Memphis cotton американский голубовато-белый хлопок "мемфис" @mending cotton хлопчатобумажная штопка @mercerized cotton 1. мерсеризованный хлопок; 2. мерсеризованная хлопчатобумажная пряжа @Mexican cotton мексиканский короткоштапельный и среднештапельный хлопок @middling cotton американский хлопок "миддлинг" @middling extra cotton американский белый хлопок "миддлинг экстра" @middling extra white cotton американский особо белый хлопок "миддлинг экстра" @middling fair cotton американский хлопок "миддлинг фейр" @middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling Upland cotton 1. американский белый хлопок "миддлинг упланд"; 2. американский эталонный или базисный хлопок @middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "миддлинг" @middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "миддлинг" @mineral cotton минеральная вата @mixed cotton смешанный хлопок @Moco cotton бразильский древесный хлопок "моко" @mossy cotton мшистый хлопок (засорённый короткими незрелыми волокнами) @motty cotton мшистый хлопок (засорённый короткими незрелыми волокнами) @Nanking cotton нанкинский или китайский хлопок @ninety days cotton рано созревающий хлопок @no-mark cotton сложенный в кипы хлопок без маркировки @Northern cotton хлопок северной Индии @Oats cotton американский скороспелый хлопок "отс" @oil-stained cotton хлопок с масляными пятнами @on-call cotton проданный хлопок, хранящийся на складе до востребования потребителем @parchment cotton хлопчатобумажная пергаментная ткань @pearl cottons хлопчатобумажные вышивальные нитки @peerless cotton американский высокосортный хлопок "пирлесс" @pepper dust staple cotton хлопок, засорённый мелкими частицами листочков @pepper trash staple cotton хлопок, засорённый мелкими частицами листочков @Peruvian cotton перуанский хлопок @picked cotton хлопок-сырец ручного сбора @pima cotton американский тонковолокнистый хлопок "пима" (египетских семян) @pulled cotton "вырванный" хлопок, хлопок, собранный из плохо раскрытых коробочек @Punjab-American cotton пенджабский хлопок американских семян @purified cotton очищенная вата; стерильная вата; гигроскопическая вата @Queensland cotton австралийский длинноволокнистый хлопок "квинсленд" @quilting cotton 1. вата для стёганых одеял; 2. вата для наполнителей @raw cotton хлопок-волокно @reginned cotton дважды очищенный хлопок @riffy cotton левантинский хлопок @Rio Grande cotton бразильский хлопок "рио гранде" @risty cotton левантинский хлопок @Sakellarides cotton египетский длинноволокнистый хлопок "сакелляридис" @saw-ginned cotton хлопок-волокно пильной очистки @scoured cotton промытый хлопок @Sea-Island cotton американский длинноволокнистый хлопок "си-айленд" @seedy cotton хлопок, засорённый галочками @sewing cottons хлопчатобумажные швейные нитки @shell cotton хлопок-волокно, засорённый частицами коробочек @short-staple cotton короткоштапельный или коротковолокнистый хлопок @silicate cotton 1. минеральная вата; 2. стекловолокно @silk cotton капок @sledded cotton хлопок, собранный коробочкоуборочной машиной, хлопок, собранный "санями" @Smyrna cotton смирнский хлопок @snapped cotton хлопок, собранный вместе с коробочками @soft cotton хлопок с мягким и чистым волокном @South-American cotton южноамериканский хлопок @S X P cotton американский хлопок "С Х П" (полученный скрещиванием египетского "сакеллярадис" с американским "пима") @spinnable cotton прядомый хлопок @spot cotton наличный хлопок; хлопок со склада @spotted cotton пятнистый хлопок @spun cotton хлопчатобумажная пряжа @stained cotton пожелтевший хлопок @staple cotton длинноштапельный или длинноволокнистый хлопок @sterilized cotton стерильная вата @stone cotton хлопок ручной очистки на камне @strict good middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг экстра" @strict good middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг экстра" @strict good middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт гуд миддлинг" @strict good ordinary cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери экстра" @strict good ordinary extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери экстра" @strict good ordinary gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict good ordinary yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт гуд ординери" @strict low middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг экстра" @strict low middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict low middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт лоу миддлинг" @strict middling cotton американский отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling extra cotton американский белый отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг экстра" @strict middling extra white cotton американский особо белый отборный хлопок "стрикт миддлинг экстра" @strict middling gray cotton американский серый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling spotted cotton американский пятнистый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling tinged cotton американский желтоватый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling yellow cotton американский жёлтый хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @strict middling yellow-stained cotton американский пожелтевший хлопок "стрикт миддлинг" @stringy cotton зажгученный хлопок @striped cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань в полоску; сарпинка @surgical cotton хирургическая вата @Surinam cotton суринамский белый или желтоватый хлопок @tack cottons хлопчатобумажные нитки для смётывания @tailed cotton зажгученный хлопок @Tailor cotton американский хлопок "тейлор" @Tanguis cotton перуанский высококачественный хлопок "тенгвис" @Texas cotton техасский короткоштапельный хлопок с прочным и жёстким волокном @tinged cotton хлопок темно-жёлтого оттенка @tree cotton многолетний хлопчатник (Gossypium arboreum) @tropical cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань для тропической одежды @twist cotton извитое хлопковолокно @uniform cotton однородный хлопок @Upland cotton американский хлопок "упланд" @Uppam cotton индийский хлопок "уппам" @waste cottons хлопчатобумажные угары @water-packed cotton 1. хлопок, упакованный во влажном состоянии; 2. хлопок, повреждённый влагой @white-dotted cotton хлопчатобумажная ткань в белый горошек @yellow-stained cotton 1. цветной хлопок; 2. хлопок с пятнами; 3. желтоватый хлопок @

    Англо-русский текстильный словар > cotton

  • 6 хлопок, покупаемый по спецификации

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > хлопок, покупаемый по спецификации

  • 7 trade

    I. 1. занаят, занятие, професия
    to follow/carry on/ply a TRADE упражнявам занаят
    to put someone to a TRADE давам някого да учи занаят
    by TRADE по професия
    of a TRADE от една специалност/професия, с еднакви интереси/занимания
    2. търговия, търговия на дребно
    domestic/home TRADE вътрешна търговия
    foreign TRADE външна търговия
    TRADE in cotton, cotton TRADE търговия с памук
    to be in TRADE търговец/на дребно/собственик на магазин съм
    to be in the tea TRADE търгувам с чай
    fair TRADE търговия на взаимноизгодни начала
    3. sl. контрабанда
    4. събир. бранш, търговци, занаятчии от даден отрасъл
    5. събир. търговци производители, особ. на спиртни напитки
    6. купувачи, клиентела
    7. сделка, покупко-продажба
    to do a roaring TRADE (in) разг. въртя чудесна търговия, продавам като топъл хляб
    8. attr търговски
    9. мор. sl. подводниците (като дял на военнuя флот)
    10. обик. рl trade wind
    II. 1. търгувам (in something с нещо, with someone с някого)
    2. неод. използвам користно, злоупотребявам (on, upon, in с)
    3. заменям, разменям (for за, с)
    4. купувам, пазарувам (at от, в)
    5. to TRADE (in) (a car, etc.) заменям (стара кола и пр.) срещу нова (с доплащане)
    6. to TRADE off продавам, пласирам, заменям, разменям
    * * *
    {treid} n 1. занаят; занятие, професия; to follow/carry on/ply (2) {treid} v 1. търгувам (in s.th. с нещо, with s.o. с някого)
    * * *
    стокообмен; търгувам; търговски; търговия; пазаря; бранш; професионален; професия; разменям; занятие; заменям; занаят; клиентела;
    * * *
    1. attr търговски 2. by trade по професия 3. domestic/home trade вътрешна търговия 4. fair trade търговия на взаимноизгодни начала 5. foreign trade външна търговия 6. i. занаят, занятие, професия 7. ii. търгувам (in something с нещо, with someone с някого) 8. of a trade от една специалност/професия, с еднакви интереси/занимания 9. sl. контрабанда 10. to be in the tea trade търгувам с чай 11. to be in trade търговец/на дребно/собственик на магазин съм 12. to do a roaring trade (in) разг. въртя чудесна търговия, продавам като топъл хляб 13. to follow/carry on/ply a trade упражнявам занаят 14. to put someone to a trade давам някого да учи занаят 15. to trade (in) (a car, etc.) заменям (стара кола и пр.) срещу нова (с доплащане) 16. to trade off продавам, пласирам, заменям, разменям 17. trade in cotton, cotton trade търговия с памук 18. заменям, разменям (for за, с) 19. купувам, пазарувам (at от, в) 20. купувачи, клиентела 21. мор. sl. подводниците (като дял на военнuя флот) 22. неод. използвам користно, злоупотребявам (on, upon, in с) 23. обик. рl trade wind 24. сделка, покупко-продажба 25. събир. бранш, търговци, занаятчии от даден отрасъл 26. събир. търговци производители, особ. на спиртни напитки 27. търговия, търговия на дребно
    * * *
    trade [treid] I. n 1. занаят; занятие, професия; to follow ( carry on, ply) a \trade упражнявам занаят; everyone to his \trade всеки със занаята си; by \trade по професия; Jack of all \trades човек, който с всичко се занимава (който го бива във всичко); two of a \trade двама специалисти, които не са съгласни един с друг; конкуренти, съперници; 2. търговия; търговия на дребно; Board of T. Министерство на търговията (в Англия); търговска камара (в САЩ); home ( foreign) \trade вътрешна (външна) търговия; \trade in cotton, cotton \trade търговия с памук; to be in \trade търговец на дребно съм, имам магазин; fair \trade търговия с взаимна изгода; sl контрабанда; 3. събир. бранш, търговци, занаятчии, предприемачи (от даден отрасъл); 4. събир. търговци на спиртни напитки; производители на спиртни напитки; пивовари; 5. мор. sl подводниците (като дял на военния флот); 6. купувачи, клиентела; 7. сделка, гешефт; договор, пазарлък ( разг.); покупка; продажба; обмен; to do a roaring \trade in разг. продавам като топъл хляб; 8. обикн. pl = trade-wind; 9. sl хомосексуален партньор(и); 10. attr търговски; \trade description търговско обозначение на стоки; \trade balance търговски баланс; \trade creation търговско обединение; 11. attr профсъюзен; трудов; \trade dispute трудов спор; II. v 1. търгувам (in s.th. с нещо; with s.o. с някого); 2. разменям, заменям, обменям ( for за, с); 3. купувам, пазаря (at от, в);

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > trade

  • 8 Paul, Lewis

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    d. April 1759 Brook Green, London, England
    English inventor of hand carding machines and partner with Wyatt in early spinning machines.
    Lewis Paul, apparently of French Huguenot extraction, was quite young when his father died. His father was Physician to Lord Shaftsbury, who acted as Lewis Paul's guardian. In 1728 Paul made a runaway match with a widow and apparently came into her property when she died a year later. He must have subsequently remarried. In 1732 he invented a pinking machine for making the edges of shrouds out of which he derived some profit.
    Why Paul went to Birmingham is unknown, but he helped finance some of Wyatt's earlier inventions. Judging by the later patents taken out by Paul, it is probable that he was the one interested in spinning, turning to Wyatt for help in the construction of his spinning machine because he had no mechanical skills. The two men may have been involved in this as early as 1733, although it is more likely that they began this work in 1735. Wyatt went to London to construct a model and in 1736 helped to apply for a patent, which was granted in 1738 in the name of Paul. The patent shows that Paul and Wyatt had a number of different ways of spinning in mind, but contains no drawings of the machines. In one part there is a description of sets of rollers to draw the cotton out more finely that could have been similar to those later used by Richard Arkwright. However, it would seem that Paul and Wyatt followed the other main method described, which might be called spindle drafting, where the fibres are drawn out between the nip of a pair of rollers and the tip of the spindle; this method is unsatisfactory for continuous spinning and results in an uneven yarn.
    The spinning venture was supported by Thomas Warren, a well-known Birmingham printer, Edward Cave of Gentleman's Magazine, Dr Robert James of fever-powder celebrity, Mrs Desmoulins, and others. Dr Samuel Johnson also took much interest. In 1741 a mill powered by two asses was equipped at the Upper Priory, Birmingham, with, machinery for spinning cotton being constructed by Wyatt. Licences for using the invention were sold to other people including Edward Cave, who established a mill at Northampton, so the enterprise seemed to have great promise. A spinning machine must be supplied with fibres suitably prepared, so carding machines had to be developed. Work was in hand on one in 1740 and in 1748 Paul took out another patent for two types of carding device, possibly prompted by the patent taken out by Daniel Bourn. Both of Paul's devices were worked by hand and the carded fibres were laid onto a strip of paper. The paper and fibres were then rolled up and placed in the spinning machine. In 1757 John Dyer wrote a poem entitled The Fleece, which describes a circular spinning machine of the type depicted in a patent taken out by Paul in 1758. Drawings in this patent show that this method of spinning was different from Arkwright's. Paul endeavoured to have the machine introduced into the Foundling Hospital, but his death in early 1759 stopped all further development. He was buried at Paddington on 30 April that year.
    1738, British patent no. 562 (spinning machine). 1748, British patent no. 636 (carding machine).
    1758, British patent no. 724 (circular spinning machine).
    Further Reading
    G.J.French, 1859, The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton, London, App. This should be read in conjunction with R.L.Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester, which shows that the roller drafting system on Paul's later spinning machine worked on the wrong principles.
    A.P.Wadsworth and J.de L.Mann, 1931, The Cotton Trade and Industrial Lancashire, 1600–1780, Manchester (provides good coverage of the partnership of Paul and Wyatt and the early mills).
    E.Baines, 1835, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, London (this publication must be mentioned, but is now out of date).
    A.Seymour-Jones, 1921, "The invention of roller drawing in cotton spinning", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 1 (a more modern account).

    Biographical history of technology > Paul, Lewis

  • 9 Arnold, Aza

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 4 October 1788 Smithfield, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA
    d. 1865 Washington, DC, USA
    American textile machinist who applied the differential motion to roving frames, solving the problem of winding on the delicate cotton rovings.
    He was the son of Benjamin and Isabel Arnold, but his mother died when he was 2 years old and after his father's second marriage he was largely left to look after himself. After attending the village school he learnt the trade of a carpenter, and following this he became a machinist. He entered the employment of Samuel Slater, but left after a few years to engage in the unsuccessful manufacture of woollen blankets. He became involved in an engineering shop, where he devised a machine for taking wool off a carding machine and making it into endless slivers or rovings for spinning. He then became associated with a cotton-spinning mill, which led to his most important invention. The carded cotton sliver had to be reduced in thickness before it could be spun on the final machines such as the mule or the waterframe. The roving, as the mass of cotton fibres was called at this stage, was thin and very delicate because it could not be twisted to give strength, as this would not allow it to be drawn out again during the next stage. In order to wind the roving on to bobbins, the speed of the bobbin had to be just right but the diameter of the bobbin increased as it was filled. Obtaining the correct reduction in speed as the circumference increased was partially solved by the use of double-coned pulleys, but the driving belt was liable to slip owing to the power that had to be transmitted.
    The final solution to the problem came with the introduction of the differential drive with bevel gears or a sun-and-planet motion. Arnold had invented this compound motion in 1818 but did not think of applying it to the roving frame until 1820. It combined the direct-gearing drive from the main shaft of the machine with that from the cone-drum drive so that the latter only provided the difference between flyer and bobbin speeds, which meant that most of the transmission power was taken away from the belt. The patent for this invention was issued to Arnold on 23 January 1823 and was soon copied in Britain by Henry Houldsworth, although J.Green of Mansfield may have originated it independendy in the same year. Arnold's patent was widely infringed in America and he sued the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals, machine makers for the Lowell manufacturers, for $30,000, eventually receiving $3,500 compensation. Arnold had his own machine shop but he gave it up in 1838 and moved the Philadelphia, where he operated the Mulhausen Print Works. Around 1850 he went to Washington, DC, and became a patent attorney, remaining as such until his death. On 24 June 1856 he was granted patent for a self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines.
    28 June 1856, US patent no. 15,163 (self-setting and self-raking saw for sawing machines).
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. 1.
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (a description of the principles of the differential gear applied to the roving frame).
    D.J.Jeremy, 1981, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution. The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain and America, 1790–1830, Oxford (a discussion of the introduction and spread of Arnold's gear).

    Biographical history of technology > Arnold, Aza

  • 10 encabezamiento

    1 heading.
    2 headline, caption, title, heading.
    * * *
    1 (gen) heading
    2 (fórmula) form of address
    3 (preámbulo) preamble
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=en periódico) headline, caption; (=de carta) heading; (=preámbulo) foreword, preface; (Com) bill head, letterhead
    2) (=registro) roll, register
    * * *
    a) ( en carta - saludo) opening; (- dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading
    * * *
    = heading, index entry, index heading, index term, subject statement, entry heading, rubric, category heading.
    Ex. A heading is the initial element of an entry, used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing.
    Ex. All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
    Ex. If one word is used out of context as an index heading, plainly it will be difficult to establish the interpretation to be placed on the homograph.
    Ex. This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex. Next, the computer generates a series of entries with a complete subject statement at every entry point.
    Ex. By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.
    Ex. And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex. In one library, the director objected to the category heading 'Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender' = En una biblioteca, el director se opuso a que se utilizase la categoría "Gay, Lesbiana, Bisexual y Transexual".
    * área de encabezamiento = header area.
    * asignar un encabezamiento = assign + heading, establish + heading, label with + a heading.
    * colocar como primer elemento de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead.
    * construir un encabezamiento = construct + heading.
    * encabezamiento aceptado = uniform heading.
    * encabezamiento adjetival = adjectival heading, adjectival phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento admitido = approved heading, preferred heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético = alphabetical index heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materia = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento autorizado = established heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto = composite heading, compound heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * encabezamiento conceptual = concept heading.
    * encabezamiento de autor = author heading.
    * encabezamiento de autoridad = authority heading.
    * encabezamiento de forma = form heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase conjuntiva = conjunctive phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase preposicional = prepositional phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia controlado = controlled subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de microficha = microfiche header.
    * encabezamiento de nombre = name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * encabezamiento de referencia = reference heading.
    * encabezamiento general = class entry.
    * encabezamiento informativo = explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento invertido = inverted heading.
    * encabezamiento no aceptado = unestablished heading.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * encabezamiento obsoleto = dead heading.
    * encabezamiento paralelo = parallel heading.
    * encabezamiento personal uniforme = uniform personal heading.
    * encabezamiento por título = title entry.
    * encabezamiento preciso = coextensive heading.
    * encabezamiento principal = lead term, main entry heading.
    * encabezamiento relacionado = related heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * encabezamientos de nombre y título = name-title headings.
    * encabezamiento secundario = added entry heading.
    * encabezamiento subdividido o con subdivisiones = subdivided heading.
    * encabezamiento temático = topical heading.
    * encabezamiento uniforme = uniform heading.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * incluir como registro de encabezamiento secundario = trace.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de mat = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * normalización de un encabezamiento = establishment of + a uniform heading.
    * orden de combinación de encabezamientos = citation order.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * registro de encabezamientos secundarios = tracing.
    * termino inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead term, main heading.
    * traducción de encabezamientos a través de notaciones bibliográficas = information switching.
    * variante de un encabezamiento = variant heading.
    * * *
    a) ( en carta - saludo) opening; (- dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading
    * * *
    = heading, index entry, index heading, index term, subject statement, entry heading, rubric, category heading.

    Ex: A heading is the initial element of an entry, used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing.

    Ex: All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
    Ex: If one word is used out of context as an index heading, plainly it will be difficult to establish the interpretation to be placed on the homograph.
    Ex: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex: Next, the computer generates a series of entries with a complete subject statement at every entry point.
    Ex: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: In one library, the director objected to the category heading 'Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender' = En una biblioteca, el director se opuso a que se utilizase la categoría "Gay, Lesbiana, Bisexual y Transexual".
    * área de encabezamiento = header area.
    * asignar un encabezamiento = assign + heading, establish + heading, label with + a heading.
    * colocar como primer elemento de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead.
    * construir un encabezamiento = construct + heading.
    * encabezamiento aceptado = uniform heading.
    * encabezamiento adjetival = adjectival heading, adjectival phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento admitido = approved heading, preferred heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético = alphabetical index heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materia = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento autorizado = established heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto = composite heading, compound heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * encabezamiento conceptual = concept heading.
    * encabezamiento de autor = author heading.
    * encabezamiento de autoridad = authority heading.
    * encabezamiento de forma = form heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase conjuntiva = conjunctive phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase preposicional = prepositional phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia controlado = controlled subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de microficha = microfiche header.
    * encabezamiento de nombre = name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * encabezamiento de referencia = reference heading.
    * encabezamiento general = class entry.
    * encabezamiento informativo = explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento invertido = inverted heading.
    * encabezamiento no aceptado = unestablished heading.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * encabezamiento obsoleto = dead heading.
    * encabezamiento paralelo = parallel heading.
    * encabezamiento personal uniforme = uniform personal heading.
    * encabezamiento por título = title entry.
    * encabezamiento preciso = coextensive heading.
    * encabezamiento principal = lead term, main entry heading.
    * encabezamiento relacionado = related heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * encabezamientos de nombre y título = name-title headings.
    * encabezamiento secundario = added entry heading.
    * encabezamiento subdividido o con subdivisiones = subdivided heading.
    * encabezamiento temático = topical heading.
    * encabezamiento uniforme = uniform heading.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * incluir como registro de encabezamiento secundario = trace.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de mat = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * normalización de un encabezamiento = establishment of + a uniform heading.
    * orden de combinación de encabezamientos = citation order.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * registro de encabezamientos secundarios = tracing.
    * termino inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead term, main heading.
    * traducción de encabezamientos a través de notaciones bibliográficas = information switching.
    * variante de un encabezamiento = variant heading.

    * * *
    1 (en una cartasaludo) opening, salutation ( frml); (— dirección, fecha) heading
    2 (en una ficha) heading
    3 (de un documento, apartado) heading
    * * *

    encabezamiento sustantivo masculino

    (— dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading

    encabezamiento sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una carta) heading
    (de un periódico) headline
    2 (de una manifestación) head
    ' encabezamiento' also found in these entries:
    - head
    - heading
    * * *
    1. [de carta] opening;
    [de escrito, lista, apartado] heading; [en periódico] headline
    2. [preámbulo] foreword
    * * *
    m heading
    * * *
    1) : heading
    2) : salutation, opening
    * * *
    encabezamiento n heading

    Spanish-English dictionary > encabezamiento

  • 11 Bodmer, Johann Georg

    b. 9 December 1786 Zurich, Switzerland
    d. 30 May 1864 Zurich, Switzerland
    Swiss mechanical engineer and inventor.
    John George Bodmer (as he was known in England) showed signs of great inventive ability even as a child. Soon after completing his apprenticeship to a local millwright, he set up his own work-shop at Zussnacht. One of his first inventions, in 1805, was a shell which exploded on impact. Soon after this he went into partnership with Baron d'Eichthal to establish a cotton mill at St Blaise in the Black Forest. Bodmer designed the water-wheels and all the machinery. A few years later they established a factory for firearms and Bodmer designed special machine tools and developed a system of interchangeable manufacture comparable with American developments at that time. More inventions followed, including a detachable bayonet for breech-loading rifles and a rifled, breech-loading cannon for 12 lb (5.4 kg) shells.
    Bodmer was appointed by the Grand Duke of Baden to the posts of Director General of the Government Iron Works and Inspector of Artillery. He left St Blaise in 1816 and entered completely into the service of the Grand Duke, but before taking up his duties he visited Britain for the first time and made an intensive five-month tour of textile mills, iron works, workshops and similar establishments.
    In 1821 he returned to Switzerland and was engaged in setting up cotton mills and other engineering works. In 1824 he went back to England, where he obtained a patent for his improvements in cotton machinery and set up a mill near Bolton incorporating his ideas. His health failing, he was obliged to return to Switzerland in 1828, but he was soon busy with engineering works there and in France. In 1833 he went to England again, first to Bolton and four years later to Manchester in partnership with H.H.Birley. In the next ten years he patented many more inventions in the fields of textile machinery, steam engines and machine tools. These included a balanced steam engine, a mechanical stoker, steam engine valve gear, gear-cutting machines and a circular planer or vertical lathe, anticipating machines of this type later developed in America by E.P. Bullard. The metric system was used in his workshops and in gearing calculations he introduced the concept of diametral pitch, which then became known as "Manchester Pitch". The balanced engine was built in stationary form and in two locomotives, but although their running was remarkably smooth the additional complication prevented their wider use.
    After the death of H.H.Birley in 1846, Bodmer removed to London until 1848, when he went to Austria. About 1860 he returned to his native town of Zurich. He remained actively engaged in all kinds of inventions up to the end of his life. He obtained fourteen British patents, each of which describes many inventions; two of these patents were extended beyond the normal duration of fourteen years. Two others were obtained on his behalf, one by his brother James in 1813 for his cannon and one relating to railways by Charles Fox in 1847. Many of his inventions had little direct influence but anticipated much later developments. His ideas were sound and some of his engines and machine tools were in use for over sixty years. He was elected a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1835.
    1845, "The advantages of working stationary and marine engines with high-pressure steam, expansively and at great velocities; and of the compensating, or double crank system", Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 4:372–99.
    1846, "On the combustion of fuel in furnaces and steam-boilers, with a description of Bodmer's fire-grate", Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 5:362–8.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson, 1929–30, "Diary of John George Bodmer, 1816–17", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 10:102–14.
    D.Brownlie, 1925–6, John George Bodmer, his life and work, particularly in relation to the evolution of mechanical stoking', Transactions of the Newcomen Society 6:86–110.
    W.O.Henderson (ed.), 1968, Industrial Britain Under the Regency: The Diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May and de Gallois 1814–1818, London: Frank Cass (a more complete account of his visit to Britain).

    Biographical history of technology > Bodmer, Johann Georg

  • 12 Wyatt, John

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy, Textiles
    b. April 1700 Thickbroom, Weeford, near Lichfield, England
    d. 29 November 1766 Birmingham, England
    English inventor of machines for making files and rolling lead, and co-constructor of a cotton-spinning machine.
    John Wyatt was the eldest son of John and Jane Wyatt, who lived in the small village of Thickbroom in the parish of Weeford, near Lichfield. John the younger was educated at Lichfield school and then worked as a carpenter at Thickbroom till 1730. In 1732 he was in Birmingham, engaged by a man named Heely, a gunbarrel forger, who became bankrupt in 1734. Wyatt had invented a machine for making files and sought the help of Lewis Paul to manufacture this commercially.
    The surviving papers of Paul and Wyatt in Birmingham are mostly undated and show a variety of machines with which they were involved. There was a machine for "making lead hard" which had rollers, and "a Gymcrak of some consequence" probably refers to a machine for boring barrels or the file-making machine. Wyatt is said to have been one of the unsuccessful competitors for the erection of London Bridge in 1736. He invented and perfected the compound-lever weighing machine. He had more success with this: after 1744, machines for weighing up to five tons were set up at Birmingham, Chester, Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield and Liverpool. Road construction, bridge building, hydrostatics, canals, water-powered engines and many other schemes received his attention and it is said that he was employed for a time after 1744 by Matthew Boulton.
    It is certain that in April 1735 Paul and Wyatt were working on their spinning machine and Wyatt was making a model of it in London in 1736, giving up his work in Birmingham. The first patent, in 1738, was taken out in the name of Lewis Paul. It is impossible to know which of these two invented what. This first patent covers a wide variety of descriptions of the vital roller drafting to draw out the fibres, and it is unknown which system was actually used. Paul's carding patent of 1748 and his second spinning patent of 1758 show that he moved away from the system and principles upon which Arkwright built his success. Wyatt and Paul's spinning machines were sufficiently promising for a mill to be set up in 1741 at the Upper Priory, Birmingham, that was powered by two asses. Wyatt was the person responsible for constructing the machinery. Edward Cave established another at Northampton powered by water while later Daniel Bourn built yet another at Leominster. Many others were interested too. The Birmingham mill did not work for long and seems to have been given up in 1743. Wyatt was imprisoned for debt in The Fleet in 1742, and when released in 1743 he tried for a time to run the Birmingham mill and possibly the Northampton one. The one at Leominster burned down in 1754, while the Northampton mill was advertised for sale in 1756. This last mill may have been used again in conjunction with the 1758 patent. It was Wyatt whom Daniel Bourn contacted about a grant for spindles for his Leominster mill in 1748, but this seems to have been Wyatt's last association with the spinning venture.
    Further Reading
    G.J.French, 1859, The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton, London (French collected many of the Paul and Wyatt papers; these should be read in conjunction with Hills 1970).
    R.L.Hills, 1970, Power in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester (Hills shows that the rollerdrafting system on this spinning machine worked on the wrong principles). A.P.Wadsworth and J.de L.Mann, 1931, The Cotton Trade and Industrial Lancashire, 1600–1780, Manchester (provides good coverage of the partnership of Paul and Wyatt and of the early mills).
    E.Baines, 1835, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, London (this publication must be mentioned, although it is now out of date).
    W.English, 1969, The Textile Industry, London (a more recent account).
    W.A.Benton, "John Wyatt and the weighing of heavy loads", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 9 (for a description of Wyatt's weighing machine).

    Biographical history of technology > Wyatt, John

  • 13 Arrivals

    A term used in the raw cotton market which means cotton which has yet to arrive. It may be on its way across the sea, or loading in America, or still growing on the plantation. Arrivals may be bought to "sealed samples", or to "description".

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Arrivals

  • 14 Kay (of Bury), John

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 16 July 1704 Walmersley, near Bury, Lancashire, England
    d. 1779 France
    English inventor of the flying shuttle.
    John Kay was the youngest of five sons of a yeoman farmer of Walmersley, near Bury, Lancashire, who died before his birth. John was apprenticed to a reedmaker, and just before he was 21 he married a daughter of John Hall of Bury and carried on his trade in that town until 1733. It is possible that his first patent, taken out in 1730, was connected with this business because it was for an engine that made mohair thread for tailors and twisted and dressed thread; such thread could have been used to bind up the reeds used in looms. He also improved the reeds by making them from metal instead of cane strips so they lasted much longer and could be made to be much finer. His next patent in 1733, was a double one. One part of it was for a batting machine to remove dust from wool by beating it with sticks, but the patent is better known for its description of the flying shuttle. Kay placed boxes to receive the shuttle at either end of the reed or sley. Across the open top of these boxes was a metal rod along which a picking peg could slide and drive the shuttle out across the loom. The pegs at each end were connected by strings to a stick that was held in the right hand of the weaver and which jerked the shuttle out of the box. The shuttle had wheels to make it "fly" across the warp more easily, and ran on a shuttle race to support and guide it. Not only was weaving speeded up, but the weaver could produce broader cloth without any aid from a second person. This invention was later adapted for the power loom. Kay moved to Colchester and entered into partnership with a baymaker named Solomon Smith and a year later was joined by William Carter of Ballingdon, Essex. His shuttle was received with considerable hostility in both Lancashire and Essex, but it was probably more his charge of 15 shillings a year for its use that roused the antagonism. From 1737 he was much involved with lawsuits to try and protect his patent, particularly the part that specified the method of winding the thread onto a fixed bobbin in the shuttle. In 1738 Kay patented a windmill for working pumps and an improved chain pump, but neither of these seems to have been successful. In 1745, with Joseph Stell of Keighley, he patented a narrow fabric loom that could be worked by power; this type may have been employed by Gartside in Manchester soon afterwards. It was probably through failure to protect his patent rights that Kay moved to France, where he arrived penniless in 1747. He went to the Dutch firm of Daniel Scalongne, woollen manufacturers, in Abbeville. The company helped him to apply for a French patent for his shuttle, but Kay wanted the exorbitant sum of £10,000. There was much discussion and eventually Kay set up a workshop in Paris, where he received a pension of 2,500 livres. However, he was to face the same problems as in England with weavers copying his shuttle without permission. In 1754 he produced two machines for making card clothing: one pierced holes in the leather, while the other cut and sharpened the wires. These were later improved by his son, Robert Kay. Kay returned to England briefly, but was back in France in 1758. He was involved with machines to card both cotton and wool and tried again to obtain support from the French Government. He was still involved with developing textile machines in 1779, when he was 75, but he must have died soon afterwards. As an inventor Kay was a genius of the first rank, but he was vain, obstinate and suspicious and was destitute of business qualities.
    1730, British patent no. 515 (machine for making mohair thread). 1733, British patent no. 542 (batting machine and flying shuttle). 1738, British patent no. 561 (pump windmill and chain pump). 1745, with Joseph Stell, British patent no. 612 (power loom).
    Further Reading
    B.Woodcroft, 1863, Brief Biographies of Inventors or Machines for the Manufacture of Textile Fabrics, London.
    J.Lord, 1903, Memoir of John Kay, (a more accurate account).
    Descriptions of his inventions may be found in A.Barlow, 1878, The History and Principles of Weaving by Hand and by Power, London; R.L. Hills, 1970, Power in the
    Industrial Revolution, Manchester; and C.Singer (ed.), 1957, A History of
    Technology, Vol. III, Oxford: Clarendon Press. The most important record, however, is in A.P.Wadsworth and J. de L. Mann, 1931, The Cotton Trade and Industrial
    Lancashire, Manchester.

    Biographical history of technology > Kay (of Bury), John

  • 15 detalle

    1 detail (pormenor, rasgo).
    con detalle in detail
    dar detalles to give details
    entrar en detalles to go into detail
    para más detalles, llame al teléfono… for more information, call…
    2 gift (obsequio).
    te he traído un detalle I've brought you a little present o a little something
    3 nice gesture or thought.
    ¡pero qué detalle ha tenido! what a nice gesture!, how thoughtful of him/her!
    tener un detalle (con alguien) to be considerate (to somebody)
    es todo un detalle how courteous o considerate
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: detallar.
    * * *
    1 (pormenor) detail, particular
    2 (delicadeza) nice gesture, nice thought
    contar algo con detalle to tell something in (great) detail
    ¡qué detalle! how nice!, how sweet!
    sin entrar en detalles without going into details
    tener un detalle to be considerate, be thoughtful
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=pormenor) detail

    con todo detalle, con todos los detalles — in full detail

    para más detalles vea... — for further details see...

    2) (=atención) nice gesture

    ¡qué detalle! — what a nice gesture, how thoughtful!

    3) (=regalo) small gift
    4) (Com)

    al detalleretail antes de s

    5) (Econ) (=estado de cuenta) statement; (=factura) bill
    * * *
    a) ( pormenor) detail
    b) ( elemento decorativo) detail
    a) ( pequeño regalo) little gift
    b) (Esp, Méx) (atención, gesto) nice (o thoughtful etc) gesture
    3) (Com)
    * * *
    = detail, precision, granularity, great length.
    Ex. Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
    Ex. Whether such precision will result in a catalogue more satisfactory to readers than that produced by the reasonable application of the vaguer AA is a moot point.
    Ex. On the other hand, the use of keywords from Dewey as a means of generating additional keywords for records was extremely fruitful and allowed better retrieval even if, on occasions, there was some loss of precision due to the granurality of the classification.
    Ex. Nor has this richness, this density, necessarily to do with complexity and great length.
    * aclarar los detalles = work out + details.
    * analizar en detalle = consider + in detail.
    * comparar detalle a detalle = compare + point by point.
    * con cierto detalle = at some length.
    * con detalle = at a detailed level, in detail.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con mayor detalle = in greater detail.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * considerar en detalle = consider + at length.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * detalles = niceties [nicety, -sing.], particulars.
    * detalles concretos = fine detail(s), specifics, the.
    * de venta al detalle = retail.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en los detalles = in detail.
    * estudiar en detalle = study + at length.
    * explicar en detalle = explain + at length.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * expresarse en detalle = express + Reflexivo + at length.
    * librero de venta al detalle = retail bookseller.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * minucioso del detalle = stickler for detail(s).
    * nivel de detalle = completeness, granularity, level of detail.
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * pequeños detalles = minutiae, petty details.
    * por el detalle = for detail.
    * revelar detalles = give away + details.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * tratar Algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.
    * tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.
    * un detalle = a little something.
    * vender al detalle = retail.
    * venta al detalle = retailing, retail trade.
    * ventas al detalle = retail sales.
    * * *
    a) ( pormenor) detail
    b) ( elemento decorativo) detail
    a) ( pequeño regalo) little gift
    b) (Esp, Méx) (atención, gesto) nice (o thoughtful etc) gesture
    3) (Com)
    * * *
    = detail, precision, granularity, great length.

    Ex: Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.

    Ex: Whether such precision will result in a catalogue more satisfactory to readers than that produced by the reasonable application of the vaguer AA is a moot point.
    Ex: On the other hand, the use of keywords from Dewey as a means of generating additional keywords for records was extremely fruitful and allowed better retrieval even if, on occasions, there was some loss of precision due to the granurality of the classification.
    Ex: Nor has this richness, this density, necessarily to do with complexity and great length.
    * aclarar los detalles = work out + details.
    * analizar en detalle = consider + in detail.
    * comparar detalle a detalle = compare + point by point.
    * con cierto detalle = at some length.
    * con detalle = at a detailed level, in detail.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con mayor detalle = in greater detail.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * considerar en detalle = consider + at length.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * detalles = niceties [nicety, -sing.], particulars.
    * detalles concretos = fine detail(s), specifics, the.
    * de venta al detalle = retail.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en los detalles = in detail.
    * estudiar en detalle = study + at length.
    * explicar en detalle = explain + at length.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * expresarse en detalle = express + Reflexivo + at length.
    * librero de venta al detalle = retail bookseller.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * minucioso del detalle = stickler for detail(s).
    * nivel de detalle = completeness, granularity, level of detail.
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * pequeños detalles = minutiae, petty details.
    * por el detalle = for detail.
    * revelar detalles = give away + details.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * tratar Algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.
    * tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.
    * un detalle = a little something.
    * vender al detalle = retail.
    * venta al detalle = retailing, retail trade.
    * ventas al detalle = retail sales.

    * * *
    1 (pormenor) detail
    sin entrar en detalles without going into details
    describe el paisaje con todo detalle he describes the scenery in great detail
    para más detalles, diríjase a la oficina de información for further details, please apply to the information office
    es muy simpática y para más detalles soltera she's very nice and, not only that o what's more, she's single
    no perdimos detalle de lo que pasó we didn't miss a thing
    no me dio detalles he didn't go into detail
    los detalles de la bóveda son de estilo mozárabe the detail on the dome is Mozarabic in style
    chaqueta de lana con detalles en cuero woollen jacket with leather trimmings
    (pequeño regalo): siempre que viene trae algún detalle whenever he comes he brings a little gift o a little something
    2 (atención, gesto) nice ( o thoughtful etc) gesture
    ¡qué detalle! se acordó de mi cumpleaños how thoughtful o sweet of her to remember my birthday!
    tuvo el detalle de llamar para ver cómo me había ido he phoned to see how I had got on, which was very thoughtful of him
    ¡qué detalle! dejarme una flor en el escritorio what a nice touch o gesture, she left me a flower on my desk
    era una persona llena de detalles he was full of thoughtful little gestures
    C ( Com)
    al detalle retail
    vender al detalle to sell retail
    venta al detalle retail sale
    los detalles the details o specifications
    * * *


    Del verbo detallar: ( conjugate detallar)

    detallé es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    detalle es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    detallar ( conjugate detallar) verbo transitivo
    to detail
    detalle sustantivo masculino

    describir algo con todo detalle to describe sth in great detail


    b) (Esp, Méx) (atención, gesto) nice (o thoughtful etc) gesture;

    tener un detalle con algn to do sth nice for sb
    3 (Com)

    detallar verbo transitivo to give the details of, list
    detalle sustantivo masculino
    1 detail: dame más detalles, give me more details
    2 (atención, cortesía) kindness: siempre tiene algún detalle con tu padre, he is always very considerate towards your father
    3 (toque decorativo) touch
    un detalle de buen gusto, a tasteful touch
    4 (en fotografía, ilustración) detail
    ♦ Locuciones: al detalle, (en ventas) retail
    con detalle, in depth, in great detail
    ' detalle' also found in these entries:
    - hasta
    - ínfima
    - ínfimo
    - pintar
    - toque
    - escapar
    - insignificante
    - intrascendente
    - lindo
    - mínimo
    - minucia
    - nota
    - perder
    - significativo
    - simpático
    - elaborate
    - gesture
    - minor
    - particular
    - practicality
    - retail
    - spell out
    - stocking filler
    - technicality
    - thought
    - touch
    - escape
    - spell
    - sweet
    * * *
    1. [pormenor, dato] detail;
    nos dieron todo tipo de detalles they gave us all sorts of details;
    con detalle in detail;
    con todo detalle in great detail;
    con todo lujo de detalles with a wealth of detail;
    dar detalles to give details;
    entrar en detalles to go into detail(s);
    todo estaba organizado hasta el menor detalle everything was organized down to the smallest o last detail;
    no perdieron detalle de lo que se dijo they didn't miss a thing that was said;
    para más detalles, llame al teléfono… for more information, call…
    2. [elemento, rasgo] detail;
    un partido con detalles de buen fútbol a match with the odd moment of good football;
    un vestido de algodón con detalles en seda bordada a cotton dress with embroidered silk detail;
    observen los detalles decorativos alrededor del friso notice the decorative detail around the frieze
    3. [obsequio] gift;
    te he traído un detalle I've brought you a little present o a little something
    4. [atención] nice gesture o thought;
    ¡qué detalle lo de acompañarnos a casa! how kind of him o what a nice gesture to bring us home!;
    ¡pero qué detalle ha tenido! what a nice gesture!, how thoughtful of him!;
    tener un detalle (con alguien) to be considerate (to sb);
    tener el detalle de hacer algo to be kind enough to do sth;
    es todo un detalle how courteous o considerate;
    marcarse un detalle to do something nice o kind
    5. [fragmento] [de cuadro, foto] detail;
    lámina 6: detalle del “Guernica” de Picasso plate 6: Picasso Guernica (detail)
    al detalle loc adv
    Com retail;
    en este almacén no se vende al detalle we don't sell retail in this warehouse
    * * *
    1 detail;
    en detalle in detail;
    con todo lujo de detalles in great detail;
    entrar en detalles go into details
    2 fig
    thoughtful gesture
    al detalle COM retail
    * * *
    1) : detail
    al detalle : retail
    * * *
    1. (pormenor) detail
    2. (gesto) nice gesture / kind gesture
    3. (regalo) little something
    no es un gran regalo, sólo es un detalle it's not a big present, just a little something
    ¡qué detalle! how nice! / how thoughtful!

    Spanish-English dictionary > detalle

  • 16 diferencia

    1 difference.
    el problema de esa pareja es la diferencia de edad that couple's problem is the difference in their ages
    establecer o hacer una diferencia entre to make a distinction between
    el mejor/peor con diferencia by far the best/worst
    2 difference (desacuerdo).
    tuvieron sus diferencias they had their differences
    limar diferencias to settle one's differences
    3 difference.
    tendremos que pagar la diferencia we'll have to pay the difference
    diferencia horaria time difference
    diferencia salarial wage differential
    4 differendum, difference, dispute.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: diferenciar.
    * * *
    1 difference
    2 (de opinión) difference, disagreement
    hacer diferencia entre to make a distinction between
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=distinción) difference

    a diferencia de — unlike

    a diferencia de sus hermanas, ella es bajita — unlike her sisters, she's quite short

    con diferencia — by far

    Rosa es, con diferencia, la más guapa — Rosa is by far the prettiest, Rosa is the prettiest by a long way

    diferencia salarial — (Com) wage differential, pay differential

    2) (=intervalo) difference, gap

    hay una diferencia de edad de diez años entre ellosthere's an age difference o age gap of ten years between them, there's ten years' difference in age between them

    3) (=desacuerdo)

    existen diferencias en el partido con respecto al aborto — there are differences of opinion within the party on the issue of abortion

    partir la diferenciafrm to split the difference

    4) (=resto) difference
    * * *
    1) ( disparidad) difference

    a diferencia del marido, ella es encantadora — unlike her husband, she's really charming

    con diferencia: es, con diferencia, la mejor — she's easily o by far the best

    2) ( desacuerdo) difference
    3) ( resto) difference
    * * *
    = difference, discrepancy, distinction, distinguishability, mismatch, gap, dissimilarity, point of difference, differential, fault line, disconnect, diff.
    Ex. Some concepts are described differently in different versions of one language.
    Ex. Reshelving by users could explain the discrepancy.
    Ex. Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
    Ex. In this article, the notion of distinguishability is used to measure the degree to which two values of an attribute are dissimilar.
    Ex. The electron microscope is a clear case of extreme mismatch between the number of citations received and the impact of the instrument in a wide area of science.
    Ex. The gap between what private and public institutions charge means that private schools are at a big disadvantage in recruiting students.
    Ex. No significant study has investigated similarities and dissimilarities betwee these two types of reviewing journal.
    Ex. Some points of difference with Canadian practices, especially as regards staffing, are noted.
    Ex. The gap between people who have the resources to access digital information and those who do not have these resources, the so-called 'digital divide', includes a differential in information literacy skills = La diferencia entre la gente que dispone de los recursos para acceder a la información digital y los que no, denominada "brecha digital", supone también una diferencia en las destrezas relacionadas con la alfabetización informacional.
    Ex. These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.
    Ex. The disconnect is about how the two groups view each other.
    Ex. There are some diffs between the free version and the full version.
    * acortar las diferencias = close + the gap.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumento de las diferencias entre... y = widening gap between... and, widening of the gap beween.... and.
    * con diferencia = by far.
    * confundir las diferencias entre = blur + the boundaries between.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * contrato basado en las diferencias de género = gender contract.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * desaparecer las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the lines between, blur + the boundaries between.
    * desaparición de las diferencias = blurring of differences, blurring of roles, blurring of boundaries.
    * desaparición de las diferencias entre = blurring of distinctions between.
    * desdibujar las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the boundaries between.
    * detectar una diferencia = detect + difference.
    * diferencia cada vez mayor entre... y = widening of the gap beween.... and, widening gap between... and.
    * diferencia cada vez menor entre... y = narrowing gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and.
    * diferencia cultural = cultural difference.
    * diferencia debida al género = gender gap.
    * diferencia debida al sexo = gender gap.
    * diferencia de género = gender difference.
    * diferencia de horario = time differences.
    * diferencia de opinión (sobre) = difference of opinion (on).
    * diferencia de precio = price differential.
    * diferencia de precios = price differentiation.
    * diferencia de retribución entre mujeres y hombres = gender pay gap.
    * diferencia de sexo = gender difference.
    * diferencia entre... y... es mínima = line between... and... is thin.
    * diferencia generacional = generation gap.
    * diferencia horaria = time differences.
    * diferencia lingüística = language difference.
    * diferencia lógica = logical difference.
    * diferencia salarial = pay inequality.
    * diferencias de opinión = shades of opinion.
    * diferencias de precio = differential pricing.
    * diferencias de sexo = gender.
    * diferencia significativa = significant difference.
    * diferencias insalvables = irreconcilable differences.
    * diferencia social = social gap.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * establecer una diferencia = draw + demarcation.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * haber muchísima diferencia = be in a different league.
    * hacer frente a las diferencias = face + differences.
    * indicar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
    * insensible a las diferencias de género = gender blind.
    * limar las diferencias = iron out + differences, flatten out + differences.
    * marcar la diferencia = make + the difference, make + a difference, spell + the difference.
    * mostrar las diferencias = turn up + differences.
    * muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.
    * nadie notaría la diferencia = no one would be the wiser.
    * Número + años de diferencia = Número + year gap.
    * paliar las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the gulf.
    * que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * rectificar la diferencia = redress + imbalance, redress + the balance.
    * reducción de las diferencias entre... y = narrowing gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * resolver las diferencias = iron out + differences, resolve + Posesivo + differences, settling of differences, flatten out + differences, flush out + differences, settle + Posesivo + differences.
    * resolver una diferencia = negotiate + difference.
    * respetar una diferencia = observe + difference.
    * respeto a la diferencia = respect to differences.
    * sacar a relucir diferencias = turn up + differences.
    * saldar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * señalar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
    * significar la diferencia entre... y = mean + the difference between... and.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * suponer la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso = make or break.
    * suponer una diferencia sobre = move + one away from.
    * tener sus diferencias = have + their differences.
    * * *
    1) ( disparidad) difference

    a diferencia del marido, ella es encantadora — unlike her husband, she's really charming

    con diferencia: es, con diferencia, la mejor — she's easily o by far the best

    2) ( desacuerdo) difference
    3) ( resto) difference
    * * *
    = difference, discrepancy, distinction, distinguishability, mismatch, gap, dissimilarity, point of difference, differential, fault line, disconnect, diff.

    Ex: Some concepts are described differently in different versions of one language.

    Ex: Reshelving by users could explain the discrepancy.
    Ex: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
    Ex: In this article, the notion of distinguishability is used to measure the degree to which two values of an attribute are dissimilar.
    Ex: The electron microscope is a clear case of extreme mismatch between the number of citations received and the impact of the instrument in a wide area of science.
    Ex: The gap between what private and public institutions charge means that private schools are at a big disadvantage in recruiting students.
    Ex: No significant study has investigated similarities and dissimilarities betwee these two types of reviewing journal.
    Ex: Some points of difference with Canadian practices, especially as regards staffing, are noted.
    Ex: The gap between people who have the resources to access digital information and those who do not have these resources, the so-called 'digital divide', includes a differential in information literacy skills = La diferencia entre la gente que dispone de los recursos para acceder a la información digital y los que no, denominada "brecha digital", supone también una diferencia en las destrezas relacionadas con la alfabetización informacional.
    Ex: These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.
    Ex: The disconnect is about how the two groups view each other.
    Ex: There are some diffs between the free version and the full version.
    * acortar las diferencias = close + the gap.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumento de las diferencias entre... y = widening gap between... and, widening of the gap beween.... and.
    * con diferencia = by far.
    * confundir las diferencias entre = blur + the boundaries between.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * contrato basado en las diferencias de género = gender contract.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * desaparecer las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the lines between, blur + the boundaries between.
    * desaparición de las diferencias = blurring of differences, blurring of roles, blurring of boundaries.
    * desaparición de las diferencias entre = blurring of distinctions between.
    * desdibujar las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the boundaries between.
    * detectar una diferencia = detect + difference.
    * diferencia cada vez mayor entre... y = widening of the gap beween.... and, widening gap between... and.
    * diferencia cada vez menor entre... y = narrowing gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and.
    * diferencia cultural = cultural difference.
    * diferencia debida al género = gender gap.
    * diferencia debida al sexo = gender gap.
    * diferencia de género = gender difference.
    * diferencia de horario = time differences.
    * diferencia de opinión (sobre) = difference of opinion (on).
    * diferencia de precio = price differential.
    * diferencia de precios = price differentiation.
    * diferencia de retribución entre mujeres y hombres = gender pay gap.
    * diferencia de sexo = gender difference.
    * diferencia entre... y... es mínima = line between... and... is thin.
    * diferencia generacional = generation gap.
    * diferencia horaria = time differences.
    * diferencia lingüística = language difference.
    * diferencia lógica = logical difference.
    * diferencia salarial = pay inequality.
    * diferencias de opinión = shades of opinion.
    * diferencias de precio = differential pricing.
    * diferencias de sexo = gender.
    * diferencia significativa = significant difference.
    * diferencias insalvables = irreconcilable differences.
    * diferencia social = social gap.
    * eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
    * eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * establecer una diferencia = draw + demarcation.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * haber muchísima diferencia = be in a different league.
    * hacer frente a las diferencias = face + differences.
    * indicar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
    * insensible a las diferencias de género = gender blind.
    * limar las diferencias = iron out + differences, flatten out + differences.
    * marcar la diferencia = make + the difference, make + a difference, spell + the difference.
    * mostrar las diferencias = turn up + differences.
    * muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.
    * nadie notaría la diferencia = no one would be the wiser.
    * Número + años de diferencia = Número + year gap.
    * paliar las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the gulf.
    * que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * rectificar la diferencia = redress + imbalance, redress + the balance.
    * reducción de las diferencias entre... y = narrowing gap between... and, narrowing of the gap between... and.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * resolver las diferencias = iron out + differences, resolve + Posesivo + differences, settling of differences, flatten out + differences, flush out + differences, settle + Posesivo + differences.
    * resolver una diferencia = negotiate + difference.
    * respetar una diferencia = observe + difference.
    * respeto a la diferencia = respect to differences.
    * sacar a relucir diferencias = turn up + differences.
    * saldar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
    * señalar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
    * significar la diferencia entre... y = mean + the difference between... and.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * suponer la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso = make or break.
    * suponer una diferencia sobre = move + one away from.
    * tener sus diferencias = have + their differences.

    * * *
    A (disparidad) difference
    la diferencia de edad entre ellos the age difference o age gap between them
    salieron con una diferencia de pocos minutos they left a few minutes apart
    a diferencia del marido, ella es encantadora unlike her husband, she's really charming
    es un hombre alegre, a diferencia de su antecesor que … he is a cheerful man, in contrast to o unlike his predecessor who …
    cagarse or sentarse en la diferencia ( vulg CS): ¿$20 en vez de $19,99? ¡me cago en la diferencia! ( vulg); $20 instead of $19.99? big difference! o big deal! o that's a hell of a difference! ( iro)
    antes me importaba mucho pero ahora me siento en la diferencia it used to bother me a lot, but now I couldn't give a damn o I couldn't care less ( colloq)
    con diferencia: es, con diferencia, la más inteligente de las dos hermanas she's easily o far and away o by far the more intelligent of the two sisters, she's the more intelligent of the two sisters by a long way o by far
    este restaurante es mucho mejor, y con diferencia this restaurant's better by far o by a long way
    time difference
    B (desacuerdo) difference
    se reunieron para tratar de resolver or saldar sus diferencias they met to try to resolve their differences
    C (resto) difference
    dame el dinero que tienes y yo pagaré la diferencia give me the money you have and I'll pay the difference o the remainder o the rest
    * * *


    Del verbo diferenciar: ( conjugate diferenciar)

    diferencia es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    diferencia sustantivo femenino

    a diferencia del marido, ella es encantadora unlike her husband, she's really charming

    resolver sus (or mis etc) diferencias to resolve one's differences

    diferenciar ( conjugate diferenciar) verbo transitivocolores/sonidos to tell the difference between, differentiate between
    diferenciarse verbo pronominal:
    ¿en qué se diferencia esta especie? what makes this species different?;

    no se diferencian en nada there's no difference between them;
    diferenciase de algo/algn to differ from sth/sb;
    solo se diferencia del otro en or por el precio the only difference between this one and the other one is the price
    diferencia sustantivo femenino difference
    ♦ Locuciones: a diferencia de, unlike
    con diferencia, by far: su hermana es la más simpática con diferencia, his sister is the nicer (de dos) o nicest (de más de dos) by far
    diferenciar verbo transitivo
    1 (saber discernir) to distinguish, tell the difference: no diferencia la seda del algodón, she can't tell the difference between silk and cotton
    2 (hacer distinto) to differentiate: eso es lo que nos diferencia, that's what makes us different

    ' diferencia' also found in these entries:
    - cada
    - caja
    - cerrarse
    - diferenciar
    - discrepancia
    - distinguir
    - economía
    - error
    - fundamental
    - ganarse
    - haber
    - hablarse
    - llevar
    - llevarse
    - notable
    - piso
    - poder
    - política
    - resaltar
    - salario
    - salto
    - sensible
    - sutil
    - tarde
    - variante
    - acentuado
    - cambio
    - desigualdad
    - desnivel
    - distinción
    - mínimo
    - pequeño
    - tremendo
    - art
    - by
    - change
    - difference
    - discrepancy
    - distinction
    - gap
    - hate
    - insignificant
    - material
    - misunderstanding
    - now
    - opposed
    - out
    - settle
    - sharp
    - study
    - tell
    - unlike
    - up
    - within
    - world
    - yawning
    - compare
    - quite
    * * *
    1. [disimilitud] difference (con/entre from/between);
    el problema de esa pareja es la diferencia de edad that couple's problem is the difference in their ages;
    la diferencia está en que tú eres hombre the difference is that you're a man;
    establecer o [m5] hacer una diferencia entre to make a distinction between
    2. [desacuerdo] difference;
    tuvieron sus diferencias they had their differences;
    limar diferencias to settle one's differences
    3. [en suma, resta] difference ( entre between);
    tendremos que pagar la diferencia we'll have to pay the difference
    diferencia horaria time difference; Elec diferencia de potencial potential difference;
    diferencia salarial wage o pay differential
    * * *
    1 difference;
    hay una diferencia como del día a la noche it’s like the difference between night and day;
    con diferencia fig by a long way
    diferencias pl ( desacuerdo) differences
    * * *
    1) : difference
    a diferencia de : unlike, in contrast to
    * * *
    diferencia n difference
    ¿qué diferencia hay entre los dos coches? what's the difference between the two cars?

    Spanish-English dictionary > diferencia

  • 17 महा _mahā

    महा A cow.
    महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which महा is the first mem- ber is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.)
    -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. ˚पटलिक a chief keeper of archives.
    -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky.
    -(ङ्गः) 1 a camel.
    -2 a kind of rat.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -अञ्जनः N. of a mountain.
    -अत्ययः a great danger or calamity.
    -अध्वनिक a. 'having gone a long way', dead.
    -अध्वरः a great sacrifice.
    -अनसम् 1 a heavy carriage.
    -2 cooking utensils. (
    -सी) a kitchen-maid. (
    -सः, -सम्) a kitchen; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलो$स्मि महानसे Mb.4.2.2.
    -अनिलः a whirl- wind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki.14.59.
    -अनुभाव a.
    1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magnanimous, exalted, illustrious; ग्रहीतुमार्यान् परिचर्यया मुहुर्महानु- भावा हि नितान्तमर्थिनः Śi.1.17; Ś.3.
    -2 virtuous, righteous, just.
    (-वः) 1 a worthy or respectable person.
    -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Mahārāṣtra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century.
    -अन्तकः 1 death.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्धकारः 1 thick darkness.
    -2 gross (spiritual) ignorance.
    -अन्ध्राः (pl.) N. of a people and their country.
    -अन्वय, -अभिजन a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (
    -यः, -नः) noble birth, high descent.
    -अभिषवः the great extraction of Soma.
    -अमात्यः the chief or prime minister (of a king).
    -अम्बुकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अम्बुजम् a billion.
    -अम्ल a. very sour. (
    -म्लम्) the fruit of the tamarind tree. अरण्यम् a great (dreary) forest, large forest.
    -अर्घ a. very costly, costing a high price; महार्घस्तीर्थानामिव हि महतां को$प्यतिशयः U.6.11. (
    -र्घः) a kind of quail.
    -अर्घ्य a.
    1 valuable, precious.
    -2 invaluable; ines- timable; see महार्ह below.
    -अर्चिस् a. flaming high.
    -अर्णवः 1 the great ocean.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 rich.
    -2 great, noble, dignified.
    -3 important, weighty.
    -4 significant.
    -अर्बुदम् one thousand millions.
    -अर्ह a.
    1 very valuable, very costly; महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैरपि या स्म दूयते Ku.5.12.
    -2 invaluable, inestimable; महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि Rām.6.19. 2. (
    -र्हम्) white sandal-wood.
    -अवरोहः the fig-tree.
    -अशनिध्वजः a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt; जहार चान्येन मयूरपत्रिणा शरेण शक्रस्य महाशनि- ध्वजम् R.3.56.
    - अशन a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.
    -अश्मन् m. a precious stone, ruby.
    -अष्टमी the eighth day in the bright half of Āśvina sacred to Durgā; आश्विने शुक्लपक्षस्य भवेद् या तिथिरष्टमी । महाष्टमीति सा प्रोक्ता......
    -असिः a large sword.
    -असुरी N. of Durgā.
    -अह्नः the afternoon.
    -आकार a. extensive, large, great.
    -आचार्यः 1 a great teacher.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -आढ्य a. wealthy, very rich. (
    -ढ्यः) the Kadamba tree.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; अयं दुरात्मा अथवा महात्मा कौटिल्यः Mu.7; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75; U.1.49; प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् Bh.1.63.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; किमाचाराः किमाहाराः क्व च वासो महात्मनाम् Mb.3. 1.4.
    -3 mighty (महाबल); अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म Rām.5.9.74. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme Spirit; युगपत्तु प्रलीयन्ते यदा तस्मिन् महात्मनि Ms.1.54.
    -2 the great principle, i. e. intellect of the Sāṅkhyas. (महात्मवत् means the same as महात्मन्).
    -आनकः a kind of large drum.
    -आनन्दः, -नन्दः 1 great joy or bliss.
    -2 espe- cially, the great bliss of final beatitude.
    (-न्दा) 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Māgha.
    -आपगा a great river.
    -आयुधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आरम्भ a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (
    -म्भः) any great enterprize.
    -आलयः 1 a temple in general.
    -2 a sanctuary, an asylum.
    -3 a great dwelling.
    -4 a place of pilgrimage.
    -5 the world of Brahman.
    -6 the Supreme Spirit.
    -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity.
    -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight.
    -9 पितृश्राद्ध in the month of Bhādra- pada. (
    -या) N. of a particular deity.
    - आशय a. high- souled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; दैवात् प्रबुद्धः शुश्राव वराहो हि महाशयः Ks; राजा हिरण्यगर्भो महाशयः H.4; see महात्मन्.
    (-यः) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person; महाशयचक्रवर्ती Bv.1.7.
    -2 the ocean.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 occupying a great position.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -आहवः a great or tumultuous fight.
    -इच्छ a.
    1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; मही महेच्छः परिकीर्य सूनौ R.18.33.
    -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; विद्यावतां महेच्छानां...... नाश्रयः पार्थिवं विना Pt.1.37.
    -इन्द्रः 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीनधिश्रियः Ku.5.53; R.13.2; Ms.7.7.
    -2 a chief or leader in general.
    -3 N. of a mountain range; पतिर्महेन्द्रस्य महोदधेश्च R.6.54;4.39,43. ˚चापः rain-bow. ˚नगरी N. of Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra. ˚मन्त्रिन् m. an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚वाहः the elephant Airāvata; महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा Mb.9.17.52.
    -इभ्य a. very rich.
    -इषुः a great archer; अधिरोहति गाण्डीवं महेषौ Ki.13.16.
    -इष्वासः a great archer, a great warrior; अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भामार्जुनसमा युधि Bg.1.4.
    -ईशः, -ईशानः N. of Śiva; महेशस्त्वां धत्ते शिरसि रसराजस्य जयिनीम् Udb. ˚बन्धुः the Bilva tree.
    -ईशानी N. of Pārvatī.
    -ईश्वरः 1 a great lord, sovereign; महेश्वरस्त्र्यम्बक एव नापरः R.; गोप्तारं न निधीनां कथयन्ति महेश्वरं विबुधाः Pt.2.74.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 a god (opp. प्रकृति).
    -5 the Supreme Being (परमात्मा); मायां तु प्रकृतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम् Śvet. Up.4.1. ˚सखः N. of Kubera; यया कैलासभवने महेश्वरसखं बली Mb.9.11.55.
    (-री) 1 N. of Durgā.
    -2 a kind of bell-metal.
    -उक्षः (for उक्षन्) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; महोक्षतां वत्सतरः स्पृशन्निव R.3.32;4.22;6.72; Śi.5.63.
    -उत्पलम् a large blue lotus. (
    -लः) the Sārasa bird.
    -उत्सवः 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36.
    -2 the god of love.
    -उत्साह a. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; अहं च कर्णं जानामि...... सत्यसंधं महोत्साहं...... Mb.3.91.2.
    (-हः) 1 perseverance.
    -2 great pride; ये जात्यादिमहो- त्साहान्नरेन्द्रान्नोपयान्ति च । तेषामामरणं भिक्षा प्रायश्चितं विनिर्मितम् ॥ Pt.1.38.
    -उदधिः 1 the great ocean; महोदधेः पूर इवेन्दु- दर्शनात् R.3.17.
    -2 an epithet of Indra. ˚जः a conch- shell, shell.
    - उदय a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity.
    (-यः) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; नन्दस्त्वतीन्द्रियं दृष्ट्वा लोकपालमहोदयम् Bhāg.1.28.1; अपवर्ग- महोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16. (b) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence.
    -2 final beatitude.
    -3 a lord, master.
    -4 N. of the district called Kānyakubja or Kanouja; see App.
    -5 N. of the capital of Kanouja.
    -6 sour milk mixed with honey.
    -7 = महात्मन् q. v.; संसक्तौ किमसुलभं महोदयानाम Ki.7.27. ˚पर्वन् a time of union of the middle of श्रवण नक्षत्र and the end of व्यतिपात (generally in the month of माघ or पौष at the beginning of अमावास्या).
    - उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent.
    -(रम्) 1 a big belly.
    -2 dropsy.
    -उदार a.
    1 very generous or magnanimous.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -उद्यम a. = महोत्साह q. v; महोद्यमाः कर्म समा- रभन्ते.
    -उद्योग a. very industrious or diligent, hard- working.
    -उद्रेकः a particular measure (= 4 प्रस्थs).
    -उन्नत a. exceedingly lofty. (
    -तः) the palmyra tree.
    -उन्नतिः f. great rise or elevation (fig. also), high rank.
    -उपकारः a great obligation.
    -उपाध्यायः a great preceptor, a learned teacher.
    -उरगः a great serpent; वपुर्महोरगस्येव करालफणमण्डलम् R.12.98.
    -उरस्क a. broad-chested. (
    -स्कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -उर्मिन् m. the ocean; ततः सागरमासाद्य कुक्षौ तस्य महोर्मिणः Mb.3.2.17.
    -उल्का 1 a great meteor.
    -2 a great fire-brand.
    -ऋत्विज् m. 'great priest', N. of the four chief sacri- ficial priests.
    -ऋद्धि a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence.
    -ऋषभः a great bull.
    -ऋषिः 1 a great sage or saint; यस्मादृषिः परत्वेन महांस्त- स्मान्महर्षयः; (the term is applied in Ms.1.34 to the ten Prajāpatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of 'a great sage').
    -2 N. of Sacute;iva.
    -3 of Buddha.
    -ओघ a. having a strong current.
    -घः a very large number; शतं खर्व- सहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते । शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं महौघमिति विश्रुतम् ॥ Rām.6.28.37.
    -ओष्ठ (महोष्ठ) a. having large lips. (
    -ष्ठः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -ओजस् a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; महौजसा मानधना धनार्चिताः Ki.1.19. (-m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-n.) great vigour.
    -ओजसम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). (
    -सी) N. of plant (Mar. कांगणी).
    -ओदनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी).
    -ओषधिः f.
    1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug.
    -2 the Dūrvā grass.
    -3 N. of various plants ब्राह्मी, श्वेतकण्टकारी, कटुका, अतिविष &c. ˚गणः a collection of great or medicinal herbs:-- पृश्निपर्णी श्यामलता भृङ्गराजः शतावरी । गुड्चा सहदेवी च महौषधिगणः स्मृतः ॥ cf. also सहदेवी तथा व्याघ्री बला चातिबला त्वचा । शङ्खपुष्पी तथा सिंही अष्टमी च सुवर्चला ॥ महौषध्यष्टकं प्रोक्तं....
    -औषधम् 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea.
    -2 ginger.
    -3 garlic.
    -4 a kind of poison (वत्सनाभ).
    -कच्छः 1 the sea.
    -2 N. of Varuṇa.
    -3 a mountain.
    -कन्दः garlic.
    -कपर्दः a kind of shell.
    -कपित्थः 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 red garlic.
    -कम्बु a. stark naked. (
    -म्बुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर a.
    1 large-handed.
    -2 having a large revenue.
    -कर्णः an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर्मन् a. doing great works. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कला the night of the new moon.
    -कल्पः a great cycle of time (1 years of Brahman); Bhāg.7.15.69.
    -कविः 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as कालिदास, भवभूति, बाण, भारवि &c.
    -2 an epithet of Śukra.
    -कषायः N. of a plant (Mar. कायफळ).
    -कान्तः an epithet of Śiva. (
    -ता) the earth.
    -काय a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky.
    (-यः) 1 an elephant.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 of a being attending on Śiva (= नन्दि).
    -कारुणिक a. exceedingly compassionate.
    -कार्तिकी the night of full-moon in the month of Kārtika.
    -कालः 1 a form of Śiva in his character as the destroyer of the world; महाकालं यजेद्देव्या दक्षिणे धूम्रवर्णकम् Kālītantram.
    -2 N. of a cele- brated shrine or temple of Śiva (Mahākāla) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirliṅgas) established at Ujjayinī (immortalized by Kālidāsa in his Meghadūta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me.3-38; also R.6.34); महाकालनिवासिनं कालीविलासिनमनश्वरं महेश्वरं समाराध्य Dk.1.1.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -4 N. of a kind of gourd.
    -5 N. of Śiva's servant (नन्दि). ˚पुरम् the city of Ujjayinī. ˚फलम् a red fruit with black seeds; पक्वं महाकालफलं किलासीत् N.22.29.
    -काली an epithet of Durgā in her terrific form.
    -काव्यम् a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D.559). (The number of Mahākāvyas is usually said to be five:-- रघुवंश, कुमारसंभव, किरातार्जुनीय, शिशुपालवध and नैषधचरित or six, if मेघदूत-- a very small poem or खण़्डकाव्य-- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the भट्टिकाव्य, विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरित, हरविजय &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahākāvyas).
    -कीर्तनम् a house.
    -कुमारः the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent.
    -कुल, -कुलीन a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (
    -लम्) a noble birth or family, high descent.
    -कुहः a species of parasitical worm.
    -कृच्छ्रम् a great penance.
    -केतुः N. of Śiva.
    -केशः, -कोशः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a large sheath.
    -क्रतुः a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतोरमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि R.3.46.
    -क्रमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -क्रोधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षत्रपः a great satrap.
    -क्षीरः sugar-cane.
    -क्षीरा f. a She-buffalo; Nighaṇṭaratnākara.
    -खर्वः, -र्वम् a high number (ten billions ?).
    -गजः a great elephant; see दिक्करिन्.
    -गणपतिः a form of the god Gaṇeśa.
    -गदः fever.
    -गन्ध a. exceedingly fragrant. (
    -न्धः) a kind of cane. (
    -न्धम्) a kind of sandal- wood. (
    -न्धा) N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -गर्तः, -गर्भः -गीतः N. of Śiva.
    -गर्दभगन्धिका N. of a plant, भारङ्गी.
    -गल a. longnecked.
    -गवः Bos gavaeus.
    -गुण a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); त्वया ममैष संबन्धः कपिमुख्य महागुणः Rām.5.1.12. (
    -णः) a chief quality, cardinal virtue.
    -गुरुः a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; पिता माता तथाचार्यो महागुरुरिति स्मृतः).
    -गुल्मा the Soma plant.
    -गृष्टिः f. a cow with a large hump.
    -ग्रहः 1 an epithet of Rāhu.
    -2 the sun; महाग्रहग्राहविनष्टपङ्कः Rām.5.5.6.
    -ग्रामः N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Māgama.
    -ग्रीवः 1 a camel.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -ग्रीविन् m. a camel.
    -घूर्णा spirituous liquor.
    -घृतम् ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes).
    -घोष a. noisy, loud-sounding. (
    -षम्) a market, fair. (
    -षः) a loud noise, clamour.
    -चक्रम् the mystic circle in the शाक्त ceremonial.
    -चक्रवर्तिन् m. a universal monarch.
    -चण्डा N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -चपला a kind of metre.
    -चमूः f. a large army.
    -छायः the fig-tree.
    -जङ्घः a camel.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा 1 a great braid of hair.
    -2 the matted hair of Śiva.
    -जत्रु a. having a great collar-bone. (
    -त्रुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -जनः 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः Mb.3.313. 117; आगम्य तु ततो राजा विसृज्य च महाजनम् 6.98.25.
    -2 the populace, mob; विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षमधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति Ku.5.7.
    -3 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; महाजनस्य संसर्गः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः । पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् Pt.3.6.
    -4 the chief of a caste or trade.
    -5 a merchant, tradesman.
    -जवः an antelope.
    -जातीय a.
    1 rather large.
    -2 of an excellent kind.
    -जालिः, -ली N. of a plant (Mar. सोनामुखी)
    -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्ञानिन् m.
    1 a very learned man.
    -2 a great sage.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -ज्यैष्ठी the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyeṣṭha; ताभिर्दृश्यत एष यान् पथि महाज्यैष्ठीमहे मन्महे N.15.89; पूर्णिमा रविवारेण महाज्यैष्ठी प्रकीर्तिता Agni P.121.63.
    -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्वरः great affliction.
    -ज्वाल a. very brilliant or shining.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a sacrificial fire.
    -डीनम् a kind of flight; 'यानं महाडीनमाहुः पवित्रामूर्जितां गतिम्' Mb.8.41.27 (com.).
    -तपस् m.
    1 a great ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -तलम् N. of one of the seven lower regions; see पाताल.
    -तारा N. of a Buddhist goddess.
    -तिक्तः the Nimba tree.
    -तिथिः the 6th day of a lunation.
    -तीक्ष्ण a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (
    -क्ष्णा) the marking- nut plant.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 possessed of great lustre or splendour.
    -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.)
    1 a hero, warrior.
    -2 fire.
    -3 an epithet of Kārtikeya. (-n.) quick-silver.
    -त्याग, -त्यागिन् a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Śiva.
    -दंष्ट्रः a species of big tiger.
    -दन्तः 1 an elephant with large tusks.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -दण्डः 1 a long arm.
    -2 a severe punishment.
    -दम्भः an epithet of Śiva.
    -दशा the influence exercised (over a man's destiny) by a predominant planet.
    -दानम् the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि महादानस्य लक्षणम्.
    -दारु n. the devadāru tree.
    -दुर्गम् a great calamity; Pt.
    -दूषकः a kind of grain.
    -देवः N. of Śiva.
    (-वी) 1 N. of Pārvatī.
    -2 the chief queen.
    -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree.
    -द्वारम् a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple.
    -धन a.
    1 rich.
    -2 expensive, costly; हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः Rām.7. 77.13.
    (-नम्) 1 gold.
    -2 incense.
    -3 a costly or rich dress.
    -4 agriculture, husbandry.
    -5 anything costly or precious.
    -6 great booty.
    -7 a great battle (Ved.).
    -धनुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धातुः 1 gold.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 lymph.
    -4 N. of Meru.
    -धी a. having a great understanding.
    -धुर्यः a full-grown draught ox.
    -ध्वजः a camel.
    -ध्वनिक a. dead.
    -नग्नः an athlete; Buddh.
    -नटः an epithet of Śiva; महानटः किं नु...... तनोति...... साम्प्रतमङ्गहारम् N.22.7; महानटबाहुनेव बद्धभुजाङ्केन Vās.
    -नदः a great river.
    -नदी 1 a great river, such as Gaṅgā, Kṛiṣṇā; मन्दरः पर्वतश्चाक्षो जङ्घा तस्य महानदी Mb.8.34.2; संभूयाम्भोधिमभ्येति महानद्या नगापगा Śi.2.1.
    -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal.
    -नन्दा 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 N. of a river.
    -3 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Māgha; माघमासस्य या शुक्ला नवमी लोकपूजिचा । महानन्देति सा प्रोक्ता....
    -नरकः N. of one of the 21 hells.
    -नलः a kind of reed.
    -नवमी the ninth day in the bright half of Āśvina, sacred to the worship of Durgā ततो$नु नवमी यस्मात् सा महानवमी स्मृता.
    -नाटकम् 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannāṭaka, (being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:-- एतदेव यदा सर्वैः पताकास्थानकैर्युतम् । अङ्कैश्च दशभिर्धीरा महानाटकमूचिरे ॥
    -नाडी sinew, tendon.
    -नादः 1 a loud sound, uproar.
    -2 a great drum.
    -3 a thunder-cloud.
    -4 a shell.
    -5 an elephant.
    -6 a lion.
    -7 the ear.
    -8 a camel.
    -9 an epithet of Śiva. (
    -दम्) a musical instrument.
    -नाम्नी 1 N. of a परिशिष्ट of Sāmaveda.
    -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Sāmaveda beginning with विदा मघवन् विदा.
    -नायकः 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls.
    -2 a great head or chief.
    -नासः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निद्र a. fast asleep. (
    -द्रा) 'the great sleep', death.
    -निम्नम् intestines, abdomen.
    -नियमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् total extinction of individuality (according to the Buddhists).
    -निशा 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; महानिशा तु विज्ञेया मध्यमं प्रहरद्वयम्
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -नीचः a washerman.
    -नील a. dark-blue. (
    -लः) a kind of sapphire or emerald; इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् Rām.5.9.16; महा- महानीलशिलारुचः Śi.1.16;4.44; R.18.42; Kau. A.2.11. 29. ˚उपलः a sapphire.
    -नृत्यः, -नेत्रः an epithet of Śiva.
    -नेमिः a crow.
    -न्यायः the chief rule.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 having many adherents.
    -2 having a large family or retinue; महापक्षे धनिन्यार्थे निक्षेपं निक्षिपेद् बुधः Ms.8.179.
    (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -2 a kind of duck. (
    -क्षी) an owl.
    -पङ्क्तिः, -पदपङ्क्तिः a kind of metre.
    -पञ्चमूलम् the five great roots:-- बिल्वो$ग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मरी पाटला तथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥
    -पञ्चविषम् the five great or deadly poisons:-- शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शङ्खकर्णीति योगो$यं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥
    -पटः the skin.
    -पथः 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तत् Ku.7.3.
    -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.
    -3 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -5 the long pilgrimage to mount Ke- dāra.
    -6 the way to heaven.
    -7 the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedāra.
    -पथिक a.
    1 undertaking great journeys.
    -2 one receiving Śulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb.12.76.6 (com. महापथिकः समुद्रे नौयानेन गच्छन् यद्वा महापथि शुल्कग्राहकः)
    -पद्मः 1 a particular high number.
    -2 N. of Nārada.
    -3 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world.
    -5 an epithet of Nanda.
    -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera.
    (-द्मम्) 1 a white lotus.
    -2 N. of a city. ˚पतिः N. of Nanda.
    -पराकः a. a particular penance; Hch.
    -पराङ्णः a late hour in the afternoon.
    -पवित्रः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पशुः large cattle; महापशूनां हरणे... दण्डं प्रकल्पयेत् Ms.8.324.
    -पातः a long flight; Pt.2.58.
    -पातकम् 1 a great sin, a heinous crime; ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पञ्चमम् ॥ Ms.1154.
    -2 any great sin or transgression.
    -पात्रः a prime minister.
    -पादः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पाप्मन् a. very sinful or wicked.
    -पुराणम् N. of a Purāṇa; महापुराणं विज्ञेयमेकादशकलक्षणम् Brav. P.
    -पुंसः a great man.
    -पुरुषः 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; शब्दं महापुरुषसंविहितं निशम्य U. 6.7.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुषिकः a worshipper of Viṣṇu; तदहं ते$भिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान् Bhāg.2.1.1.
    -पुष्पः a kind of worm.
    -पूजा great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions.
    -पृष्ठः a camel.
    -पोटगलः a kind of large reed.
    -प्रजापतिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -प्रतीहारः a chief door-keeper.
    -प्रपञ्चः the great universe.
    -प्रभ a. of great lustre. (
    -भः) the light of a lamp.
    -प्रभुः 1 a great lord.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -3 a chief.
    -4 an epithet of Indra.
    -5 of Śiva
    -6 of Viṣṇu.
    -7 a great saint or holy man.
    -प्रलयः 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inha- bitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; महाप्रलयमारुत...... Ve.3.4.
    -प्रश्नः a knotty question.
    -प्रसादः 1 a great favour.
    -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol); पादोदकं च निर्माल्यं नैवेद्यं च विशेषतः । महाप्रसाद इत्युक्त्वा ग्राह्यं विष्णोः प्रयत्नतः
    -प्रस्थानम् 1 departing this life, death.
    -2 setting out on a great journey for ending life; इहैव निधनं याम महाप्रस्थानमेव वा Rām.2.47.7 (com. महाप्रस्थानं मरणदीक्षा- पूर्वकमुत्तराभिमुखगमनम्); Mb.1.2.365.
    -प्राणः 1 the hard breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates.
    -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:-- ख्, घ्, छ्, झ्, ठ्, ढ्, थ्, ध्, फ्, भ्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्.
    -3 a raven.
    -प्राणता possession of great strength or essence; अन्यांश्च जीवत एव महाप्राणतया स्फुरतो जग्राह K.
    -प्रेतः a noble departed spirit.
    -प्लवः a great flood, deluge;... क्षिप्तसागरमहाप्लवामयम् Śi.14.71.
    -फल a.
    1 bearing much fruit.
    -2 bringing much reward.
    (-ला) 1 a bitter gourd.
    -2 a kind of spear.
    (-लम्) 1 a great fruit or reward.
    -2 a testicle.
    -फेना the cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः a peculiar position of hands or feet.
    -बभ्रुः a kind of animal living in holes.
    -बल a. very strong; नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबलः Rām
    (-लः) 1 wind, storm.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -3 a solid bamboo.
    -4 a palm.
    -5 a crocodile.
    -बला N. of a plant; महाबला च पीतपुष्पा सहदेवी च सा स्मृता Bhāva. P. (
    -लम्) lead. ˚ईश्वरः N. of a Liṅga of Śiva near the modern Mahābaleśwara.
    -बाध a. causing great pain or damage.
    -बाहु a. long-armed, powerful. (
    -हुः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -बि(वि)लम् 1 the atmosphere.
    -2 the heart.
    -3 a water-jar, pitcher.
    -4 a hole, cave.
    -बिसी a variety of skin (चर्म), a product of द्वादशग्राम in the Himālayas.
    -बी(वी)जः an epithet of Śiva.
    -बी (वी)ज्यम् the perinæum.
    -बुध्न a. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain).
    -बुशः barley.
    -बृहती a kind of metre.
    -बोधिः 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -ब्रह्मम्, -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit.
    -ब्राह्मणः 1 a great or learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 a low or contemptible Brāhmaṇa.
    -भटः a great warrior; तदोजसा दैत्यमहाभटार्पितम् Bhāg.
    -भद्रा N. of the river Gaṅgā.
    -भाग a.
    1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, glo- rious; उभौ धर्मौ महाभागौ Mb.12.268.3; महाभागः कामं नरपतिरभिन्नस्थितिरसौ Ś.5.1; Ms.3.192.
    -3 very pure or holy, highly virtuous; पतिव्रता महाभागा कथं नु विचरिष्यति Mb.4.3.16.
    -भागता, -त्वम्, -भाग्यम् 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity.
    -2 great excel- lence or merit.
    -भागवतम् the great Bhāgavata, one of the 18 Purāṇas. (
    -तः) a great worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भागिन् a. very fortunate or prosperous.
    -भाण्डम् a chief treasury.
    -भारतम् N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyāsa; cf. the word भारत also); महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते
    -भाष्यम् 1 a great commentary.
    -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini.
    -भासुरः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -भिक्षुः N. of Śākyamuni.
    -भीता a kind of sensitive plant (लाजाळू).
    -भीमः an epithet of king Śantanu.
    -भीरुः a sort of beetle or fly.
    -भुज a. long-armed, powerful.
    -भूतम् a great or primary element; see भूत; तस्यैतस्य महाभूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः Up.; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1. 29; Ms.1.6.
    (-तः) 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a great creature.
    -भोगः 1 a great enjoyment.
    -2 a great coil or hood; great winding.
    -3 a serpent. (
    -गा) an epi- thet of Durgā.
    -मणिः 1 a costly or precious jewel; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणो$पि नालक्ष्यते Ś.6.5.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -मति a.
    1 high-minded.
    -2 clever. (
    -तिः) N. of Bṛihaspati or Jupiter.
    -मत्स्यः a large fish, sea-monster.
    -मद a. greatly intoxicated. (
    -दः) an elephant in rut.
    -मनस्, -मनस्क a.
    1 high-minded, noble- minded, magnanimous; ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा धर्मपुत्रो महामनाः Mb.4.1.7.
    -2 liberal.
    -3 proud, haughty. (-m) a fabulous animal called शरभ q. v.
    -मन्त्रः 1 any sacred text of the Vedas.
    -2 a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.
    -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime-minister, premier.
    -मयूरी N. of Buddhist goddess.
    -मलहारी a kind of Rāgiṇi.
    -महः a great festive procession; Sinhās.
    -महस् n. a great light (seen in the sky).
    -महोपाध्यायः 1 a very great preceptor.
    -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. महामहो- पाध्यायमल्लिनाथसूरि &c.
    -मांसम् 'costly flesh', especially human flesh; न खलु महामांसविक्रयादन्यमुपायं पश्यामि Māl.4; अशस्त्रपूतं निर्व्याजं पुरुषाङ्गोपकल्पितम् । विक्रीयते महामांसं गृह्यतां गृह्यतामिदम् 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.).
    -माघी the full-moon day in the month of Māgha.
    -मात्र a.
    1 great in measure, very great or large.
    -2 most excellent, best; वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह Mb.1.221.27; 5.22.37.
    (-त्रः) 1 a great officer of state, high state- official, a chief minister; (मन्त्रे कर्मणि भूषायां वित्ते माने परिच्छदे । मात्रा च महती येषां महामात्रास्तु ते स्मृताः); Ms. 9.259; गूढपुरुषप्रणिधिः कृतमहामात्रापसर्पः (v. l. महामात्यापसर्पः) पौरजानपदानपसर्पयेत् Kau. A.1.13.9; Rām.2.37.1.
    -2 an elephant-driver or keeper; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः । उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः ॥ Pt.1.161.
    -3 a superintendent of elephants.
    (-त्री) 1 the wife of a chief minister.
    -2 the wife of a spiritual teacher.
    -मानसी N. of a Jain goddess.
    -मान्य a. being in great honour with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv.1.6.
    -मायः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -माया 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent.
    -2 N. of Durgā; महामाया हरेश्चैषा यया संमोह्यते जगत् Devīmāhātmya.
    -मायूरम् a particular drug. (
    -री) N. of an amulet and a goddess; Buddh.
    -मारी 1 cholera, an epidemic.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -मार्गः high road, main street. ˚पतिः a superintendent of roads.
    -मालः N. of Śiva.
    -माहेश्वरः a great worshipper of Maheśvara or Śiva.
    -मुखः a crocodile.
    -मुद्रा a parti- cular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga).
    -मुनिः 1 a great sage.
    -2 N. of Vyāsa.
    -3 an epithet of Buddha.
    -4 of Agastya.
    -5 the coriander plant. (
    -नि n.)
    1 coriander seed.
    -2 any medicinal herb or drug.
    -मूर्तिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मूलम् a large radish. (
    -लः) a kind of onion.
    -मूल्य a. very costly. (
    -ल्यः) a ruby.
    -मृगः 1 any large animal.
    -2 an elephant,
    -3 the fabulous animal called शरभ.
    -मृत्युः, -मेधः N. of Śiva.
    -मृत्युंजयः a kind of drug.
    -मृधम् a great battle.
    -मेदः the coral tree; महामेदाभिधो ज्ञेयः Bhāva. P.
    -मेधा an epithet of Durgā.
    -मोहः great infatuation or confusion of mind. (ससर्ज) महामोहं च मोहं च तमश्चाज्ञानवृत्तयः Bhāg.3.12.2. (
    -हा) an epithet of Durgā.
    -यज्ञः 'a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by a house-holder; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो (or देवयज्ञः) बलिर्भौतो (or भूतयज्ञः) नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7,71, (for explanation, see the words s. v.).
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -यमकम् 'a great Yamaka', i. e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki.15.52, where विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः has four different senses; cf. also बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः समुद्रः Bk.1.19.
    -यशस् a. very famous, renowned, celebrated.
    -यात्रा 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares.
    -यानम् N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promul- gated by Nāgārjuna (opp. हीनयान).
    -याम्यः an epi- thet of Viṣṇu.
    -युगम् 'a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,32, years of men.
    -योगिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a cock.
    -योनिः f. excessive dilation of the female organ.
    -रक्तम् coral.
    -रङ्गः a large stage.
    -रजतम् 1 gold; उच्चैर्महारजतराजिविराजितासौ Śi.4.28.
    -2 the thorn-apple.
    -रजनम् 1 safflower.
    -2 gold.
    -3 turmeric; तस्य हैतस्य पुरुषस्य रूपं यथा महारजनं वासः Bṛi. Up.2.3.6.
    -रत्नम् 1 a precious jewel; वज्रं मुक्ता प्रवालं च गोमेदश्चेन्द्रनीलकः ॥ वैडूर्यः पुष्करागश्च पाचिर्माणिक्यमेव च । महारत्नानि चैतानि नव प्रोक्तानि सूरिभिः ॥ Śukra.4.155-56.
    -रथः 1 a great chariot.
    -2 a great warrior or hero; द्रुपदश्च महारथः Bg.1.4; कुतः प्रभावो धनंजयस्य महारथजयद्रथस्य विपत्तिमुत्पादयितुम् Ve.2; दशरथः प्रशशास महारथः R.9.1; Śi.3.22; (a महारथ is thus defined:-- एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद्यस्तु धन्विनाम् ॥ शस्त्रशास्त्र- प्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥).
    -3 desire, longing; cf. मनोरथ.
    -रवः a frog.
    -रस a. very savoury.
    (-सः) 1 a sugar- cane.
    -2 quicksilver.
    -3 a precious mineral.
    -4 the fruit of the date tree.
    -5 any one of the eight substan- ces given below:-- दरदः पारदं शस्ये वैक्रान्तं कान्तमभ्रकम् । माक्षिकं विमलश्चेति स्युरेते$ष्टौ महारसाः ॥ (
    -सम्) sour ricewater.
    -राजः 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler; पञ्चाशल्लक्षपर्यन्तो महाराजः प्रकीर्तितः Śukra.1.184.
    -2 a respect- ful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धो$स्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः Mb.
    -3 a deified Jaina teacher.
    -4 a fingernail. ˚अधिराजः a universal emperor, para- mount sovereign. ˚चूतः a kind of mango tree.
    -राजिकः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -राजिकाः (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods (said to be 22 or 236 in number.).
    -राज्यम् the rank or title of a reigning sovereign.
    -राज्ञी 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -रात्रम् midnight, dead of night.
    -रात्रिः, -त्री f.
    1 see महाप्रलय; ब्रह्मणश्च निपाते च महाकल्पो भवेन्नृप । प्रकीर्तिता महारात्रिः.
    -2 midnight.
    -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Āśvina.
    -राष्ट्रः 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marāṭhās.
    -2 the people of Mahārāṣṭra; the Marāṭhās (pl.). (
    -ष्ट्री) N. of the principal Prākṛita; dialect, the language of the people of the Mahārāṣṭra; cf. Daṇḍin:-- महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुः Kāv.1.34.
    -रिष्टः a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains.
    -रुज्, -ज a. very painful.
    -रुद्रः a form of Śiva.
    -रुरुः a species of antelope.
    -रूप a. mighty in form.
    (-पः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 resin.
    -रूपकम् a kind of drama.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -रोगः a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight:-- उन्मादो राजयक्ष्मा च श्वासस्त्वग्दोष एव च । मधुमेहश्चाश्मरी च तथो- दरभगन्दरौ ॥).
    -रौद्र a. very dreadful. (
    -द्री) an epithet of Durgā.
    -रौरवः N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms.4.88-9.
    -लक्ष्मी 1 the great Lakṣmī, or Śakti of Nārāyaṇa; सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थिताम्.
    -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durgā at the Durgā festival.
    -लयः 1 a great world destruction.
    -2 the Supreme Being (महदादीनां लयो यस्मिन्).
    -लिङ्गम् the great Liṅga or Phallus. (
    -ङ्गः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -लोलः a crow.
    -लोहम् a magnet.
    -वंशः N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century).
    -वक्षस् m. epithet of Śiva.
    -वनम् a large forest in Vṛindāvana.
    -वरा Dūrvā grass.
    -वराहः 'the great boar', an epithet of Viṣṇu in his third or boar incarnation.
    -वर्तनम् high wages;
    -वल्ली 1 the Mādhavī creeper.
    -2 a large creeping plant.
    -वसः the porpoise.
    -वसुः silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -वाक्यम् 1 a long sentence.
    -2 any continuous composition or literary work.
    -3 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as तत्त्वमसि, ब्रह्मैवेदं सर्वम् &c.
    -4 a complete sentence (opp. अवान्तरवाक्य q. v.); न च महावाक्ये सति अवान्तरवाक्यं प्रमाणं भवति ŚB. on MS.6.4.25.
    -वातः a stormy wind, violent wind; महावाता<?>तैर्महिषकुलनीलैर्जलधरैः Mk.5.22.
    -वादिन् m. a great or powerful disputant.
    -वायुः 1 air (as an element).
    -2 stormy wind, hur- ricane, tempest.
    -वार्तिकम् N. of the Vārtikas of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras.
    -विडम् a kind of factitious salt.
    -विदेहा N. of a certain वृत्ति or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy.
    -विद्या the great lores; काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमवती तथा । बगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमला- त्मिका । एता दश महाविद्याः... ॥
    -विपुला a kind of metre.
    -विभाषा a rule giving a general option or alternative; इति महाविभाषया साधुः.
    -विभूतिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -विषः a serpent having two mouths.
    -विषुवम् the vernal equinox. ˚संक्रान्तिः f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries).
    -विस्तर a. very extensive or copious.
    -वीचिः N. of a hell.
    -वीरः 1 a great hero or warrior.
    -2 a lion.
    -3 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -5 of Garuḍa.
    -6 of Hanumat.
    -7 a cuckoo.
    -8 a white horse.
    -9 a sacrificial fire.
    -1 a sacrificial vessel.
    -11 a kind of hawk. ˚चरितम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti.
    -वीर्य a. of great valour, very powerful.
    (-र्यः) 1 N. of Brah- man.
    -2 the Supreme Being. (
    -र्या) the wild cotton shrub.
    -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun.
    -वृषः a great bull.
    -वेग a.
    1 very swift or fleet.
    (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity.
    -2 an ape.
    -3 the bird Garuḍa.
    -वेघः a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga).
    -वेल a. billowy.
    -व्याधिः f.
    1 a great disease.
    -2 a very bad kind of leprosy (black leprosy).
    -व्याहृतिः f. a great mystical word, i. e. भूर्, भुवस् and स्वर्.
    -व्रत a. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.
    (-तम्) 1 a great vow, a great reli- gious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; महाव्रतं चरेद्यस्तु Mb.12.35.22 (com. महाव्रतं मासमात्रं जलस्यापि त्यागः).
    -2 any great or funda- mental duty; प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् । आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् Mv.5.59; क्रतौ महाव्रते पश्यन् ब्रह्मचारी- त्वरीरतम् N.17.23.
    -व्रतिन् m.
    1 a devotee, an ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -शक्तिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Kārtikeya.
    -शङ्कुः the sine of the sun's eleva- tion.
    -शङ्खः 1 a great conch-shell; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं Bg.1.15; महाशङ्खमयी माला ताराविद्याजपे प्रिया Tantra.
    -2 the temporal bone, forehead.
    -3 a human bone.
    -4 a particular high number.
    -5 one of Kubera's treasures.
    -शठः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -शब्द a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous.
    -शल्कः a kind of sea- crab or prawn; Ms.3.272.
    -शालः a great householder.
    -शालिः a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice.
    -शाल्वणम् ('great fomentation') N. of a remedy; Suśr.
    -शासन a.
    1 exercising great power.
    -2 whose commands are great; त्रैलोक्यघिपतित्वमेव विरसं यस्मिन् महा- शासने Bh.3.8.
    (-नम्) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upaniṣadas.
    -2 great order of government.
    -शिरस् m. a kind of serpent.
    -शिवरात्रिः N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Māgha,
    -शुक्तिः f. a pearl-shell.
    -शुक्ला an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -शुभ्रम् silver.
    -शूद्रः (-द्री f.)
    1 a Sūdra in a high position.
    -2 a cowherd.
    -3 an upper servant. (
    -द्री) a female cow-keeper. (
    -द्रा) a Śudra woman in a high position.
    -शून्यम् a particular mental condi- tion of a Yogin.
    -शृङ्गः 1 a species of stag.
    -2 the शरभ animal.
    -श्मशानम् an epithet of Benares.
    -श्यामा the Sissoo tree. (Mar. शिसवी).
    -श्रमणः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jain monk.
    -श्लक्ष्णा sand.
    -श्वासः a kind of asthma.
    -श्वेता 1 an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -2 of Durgā.
    -3 white sugar.
    -संहिता great combi- nation.
    -संक्रान्तिः f. the winter solstice.
    -सती a very chaste woman.
    -सत्ता absolute existence.
    -सत्यः an epithet of Yama.
    -सत्त्व a.
    1 noble.
    -2 very strong or powerful.
    -3 just, righteous.
    (-त्त्वः) 1 a large animal.
    -2 N. of Sākyamuni.
    -3 an epithet of Kubera.
    -संधिविग्रहः the office of the minister of peace and war.
    -सन्नः an epithet of Kubera.
    -सन्निः m. (in music) a kind of measure.
    -समुद्रः the great ocean.
    -सर्गः a great or completely new creation (after a complete destruction of the world).
    -सर्जः the bread- fruit or jack-tree.
    -साधनभागः a great executive officer.
    -सांतपनः a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms.11. 218.
    -सांधिविग्रहिकः a minister of peace and war.
    -सामन्तः a great vassal.
    -सामान्यम् the widest genera- lity.
    -सारः a kind of Khadira tree.
    -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa.
    -साहसम् great violence or outrage, great audacity.
    -साहसिकः a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber.
    -सिंहः the fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -सिद्धिः f. a kind of magical power.
    -सुखम् 1 great pleasure.
    -2 copulation. (
    -खः) a Buddha.
    -सुगन्धम् a fragrant unguent.
    -सुगन्धिः a kind of antidote.
    -सुधा silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -सुभिक्षम् good times.
    -सूक्तः the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda.
    -सूक्ष्मा sand.
    -सूतः a mili- tary drum.
    -सेनः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; महासेन- प्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत् Rām.7.16.1.
    -2 the commander of a large army. (
    -ना) a great army.
    -स्कन्धः a camel.
    -स्थली the earth.
    -स्थानम् a great position.
    -स्नेहः a combination of the 4 kinds of fat.
    -स्मृतिः the Ṣaḍaṅgas and Smṛitis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृतिं शुभाम् Mb.12.2.3.
    -स्रोतस् n. the bowels.
    -स्रग्विन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वनः a kind of drum.
    -हंसः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -हविस् n. clarified butter.
    -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -हासः a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.
    -हिमवत् m. N. of a mountain.
    -ह्रस्वा N. of a plant (Mar. कुहिली).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > महा _mahā


    *\XILOXOCHITL botanique,
    1.\XILOXOCHITL nom d'une plante aromatique et de sa fleur.
    Angl., silk-cotton tree (K).
    Esp., ciertas flores grandes y hermosas formadas de hilos o estambres semejantes a las garzotas de vidrio (R).
    Description. CF XI 191v = ECN11,94 = Acad Hist MS 220v = Sah11,206 (xilosuchitl).
    Citée dans une liste de fleurs que butinnent les âmes des guerriers morts réincarnés en oiseaux. Sah3,49 (xilohxochitl).
    Prob. Pachira insignis ou Calliandra grandiflora ou Bombax ellipticum HBK. Cf. Sah XI 7,202 et 302.
    Cf. Sah HG II 28,1 (Le texte nahuatl correspondant Sah 1927,156 donne 'xolloxôchitl' que Seler ne traduit pas), à l'occasion de la fête 'tlaxôchimaco'. A comparer avec la liste de fleur donnée par Sah2,108.
    Citée dans une liste de fleurs précieuses, tlazohxôchitl, remarquables par leur parfum, offertes à Huitzilopochtli. Sah4,78.
    Dans le répertoire poétique des fleurs et des oiseaux. Marie Sautron-Chompré. Le chant lyrique p.135.
    2.\XILOXOCHITL fleur de l'arbuste tepêxîlôtlacotl.
    Description. CF XI 160v = ECN9,178 = Sah11,169.
    Note: 'xîlôxôchitl', ist eine bestimmte Blüte deren Form die Mexikaner an die junge Maiskolben ('xîlôtl') d.h. an die lang heraushängenden Narbenbüschel der jungen Maiskolben erinnerte. Und zwar verstanden die Mexikaner, wie dem Werke des Dr. Hernandez zu entnehmen ist, zwei verschiedenen Blüten darunter, die beiden den roten Narbenbüscheln der jungen Maiskolben in der Tat ähnlich sehen. Die eine ist die heutzutage 'Cabello de angel' genannte Mimosacea Calliandra. Die andere aber die prächtige, vor den Blättern an den kahlen Zweigen erscheinende Blüte des Bombax aquaticum K.Schum.
    Seler Sah 1927,156.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > XILOXOCHITL

  • 19 raw

    [rɔː] 1.
    1) (uncooked) [ food] crudo
    2) (unprocessed) [rubber, silk] greggio; [ sugar] non raffinato; [ sewage] non trattato
    3) (without skin) [part of body, patch] scorticato, a nudo
    4) (cold) [weather, wind, air] freddo e umido
    5) (inexperienced) [recruit, youngster] inesperto, alle prime armi
    6) (realistic) [ description] crudo, realistico
    7) (undisguised) [ energy] puro, vero
    8) AE (vulgar) osceno

    in the rawBE allo stato grezzo o naturale; colloq. (naked) nudo

    life in the rawla vita secondo la natura o lontana dalla civiltà

    to get sb. on the raw — BE toccare qcn. sul vivo

    * * *
    1) (not cooked: raw onions/meat.) crudo
    2) (not prepared or refined; in the natural state: raw cotton; What raw materials are used to make plastic?) grezzo
    3) (with the skin rubbed and sore: My heel is raw because my shoe doesn't fit properly.) scorticato
    4) (untrained; inexperienced: raw recruits.) inesperto
    - a raw deal
    - raw material
    * * *
    [rɔː] 1.
    1) (uncooked) [ food] crudo
    2) (unprocessed) [rubber, silk] greggio; [ sugar] non raffinato; [ sewage] non trattato
    3) (without skin) [part of body, patch] scorticato, a nudo
    4) (cold) [weather, wind, air] freddo e umido
    5) (inexperienced) [recruit, youngster] inesperto, alle prime armi
    6) (realistic) [ description] crudo, realistico
    7) (undisguised) [ energy] puro, vero
    8) AE (vulgar) osceno

    in the rawBE allo stato grezzo o naturale; colloq. (naked) nudo

    life in the rawla vita secondo la natura o lontana dalla civiltà

    to get sb. on the raw — BE toccare qcn. sul vivo

    English-Italian dictionary > raw

  • 20 übereinstimmen

    übereinstimmen v 1. GEN agree, conform; 2. RECHT coincide; concur (Meinung); 3. WIWI match, tally (sich decken) nicht übereinstimmen GEN disagree, lack consistency übereinstimmen mit GEN, RECHT be in agreement with, coincide with
    * * *
    v 1. < Geschäft> agree, conform; 2. < Recht> coincide, Meinung concur; 3. <Vw> sich decken match, tally ■ nicht übereinstimmen < Geschäft> disagree, lack consistency ■ übereinstimmen mit <Geschäft, Recht> be in agreement with, coincide with
    * * *
    to agree, to be of accord (in line with), to cotton, (Bücher) to [be] conform, to run with, to tally (Br.), (Konten) to agree, to be in keeping with, (Sachen) to correspond, to be in agreement;
    mit der Beschreibung übereinstimmen (Waren) to correspond with the description;
    mit dem Kostenvoranschlag nicht übereinstimmen not to agree with the original estimate;
    miteinander übereinstimmen (Konten) to duplicate with another;
    nicht übereinstimmen to jar, to dissent, (Debet- und Krediteintragungen) to be out of balance, (Konten) to disagree;
    mit dem Original übereinstimmen to check with the original;
    mit einer Vertragsbestimmung übereinstimmen to conform to a clause.

    Business german-english dictionary > übereinstimmen

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